It’s weird when people don’t trust me.

As a web designer I’m forced to be privy to my client’s private information that, trust me, I’d rather not have to have.It’s sensitive stuff ranging from ftp info and all the way up to master logins for servers running 20 domains and up to PayPal info so that I can set up a shop for them when they’d rather not do it themselves…Yes, Paypal which is akin to having access to their bank accounts.
This doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate the trust my clients have in me.
But then I’m a trustworthy person.I worked in retail for almost 6 years handling money daily and never taking so much as a dime.If a store clerk hands me back too much change I will tell them
because I know it might have to come out of their own pocket at the end of the day.

I can’t help it-I was raised to be honest.
There were some filching incidents as a small child that still give me the guilts.
So tonight when I called my dad’s domain name registrant and asked him for the account information so I could get the domain pointed to my dad’s new host and he prickled and said (rather testily) I’m not going to give you access to all 800 of my domains! I was taken aback.Well! How was I to know that he had 800 domains? Why would anyone even want to have 800 domains? A domain name parker,that’s who. Sniff.
Domain name parking is when you perceive that someone might one day want that particular domain name so you buy it in the hope that they will want to buy it from you. I sort of remember my dad’s landlord going on about this way back in the day…how he planned to make a ton of money by parking a massive amount of domain names.
This is a man who has known me since I was a little kid! It’s not like I’m a stranger… but fine.I didn’t know he had control over that many domains so when I asked for that domain’s info I didn’t know it would give me access to all of them.I only asked to do it myself because I want it done yesterday.Now I have wait for him to point the domain to the new nameservers and it pains me.
I’d like to know what exactly he thought I would even do with all of those silly domains? Hijack them for porn spam? As if, Jenny.

Website still down

I could swear I edited this post.There’s a hex on me or something.My own site has been acting twitchy these past few days…maybe the joke is on me?Maybe powweb and purehost are related? Maybe even the same company?
There’s irony here. I praise powweb but bash purehost a lot.
Here are some coincidences:
Both sites had a scheduled maintanence on the exact same day, Jan 8th.
Both use the same software for control panel.
Both use the exact same verbiage on their sites almost word for word.
Both offer Shopsite and Sitebuilder.
Ok so wasting time being paranoid isn’t helping.But still it would be funny if they turned out to be the same company!

The Website I was having trouble with came back online today around 1pm.
Albeit with some serious issues:
In order to have pretty permalinks on IIS I have to use the IIS admin console
to set my custom error page to use wp-404-handler.php. After the server went offline(that’s what they said caused the redirect to go flooey on me) they managed to fix it but disabled my use of the IIS admin console so I can’t set my custom error page anymore.Goodbye pretty links hello ugly. I had included a lot of manually entered links using dom and h2 id’s to direct site visitors to the exact place on a page I wanted them to go to.Yep,all with pretty urls.So I had to take those out and now I am figuring what to put in in their place.This blows because I was really happy with they way the home page used to look and thought I was done. I’m just doing a quick fix and tossing in some photos where all those links used to be as a compromise.

Purehost Horror continued

I am now in the second day of my IIS disaster with Purehost.
After reading some very frightening reports on the damage an improper 302 can create with googlebots and all search agents, I’m really quite upset.
Purehost techs are supposed to open a support ticket for you when they are not able to fix the issue while they have you on the phone. However, 2 support techs failed to do this and when I got up this morning and checked the site it was still redirecting in a way that will never complete. So I had to call back and explain for the 3rd time what the problem was. Not only that, but the last tech support guy I talked to said I would get a call back from Purehost this morning…no such luck.

Do not ever use Purehost for hosting.
I repeat,do not ever use Purehost to host your website.

They charge as much as other, far more excellent host providers, (mt) comes immediately to mind at this same price point, but give you nothing for this high price.
Basically if you want anything more than static html pages, ie a database or anything served up dynamically, you must pay extra for it.Their god awful site builder program is as old as the hills and churns out crap tables sites. But they seem to be proud of it.

Black marks against Purehost:
No forum. I will say it again: there is NO support forum.You are on your own.
Ancient knowledgebase.This knowledge base is written for it’s Unix platform customers and is really misleading to Windows customers not to mention packed full of links that lead to tutorials that haven’t been updated since 2000.
If you are on Windows you have to pay for databases. Unix customers get them free with their hosting package.
They don’t actually have tech support;the same folks who answer tech questions also answer billing and sales questions. Hit them with any kind of problem and the 1st thing they do is start whiffling about your scripts being wrong. As if.

Reasons to pick Purehost:
You fell in love with Microsoft’s Frontpage back in 1995 and never bothered to learn any other way to build a website.
You love tables based layouts so you will love their Shopsite doodad and Sitebuilder doohickey.
You enjoy having to fight uphill in order to get the simplest thing to work.You love frustration and challenges.
You don’t mind it if they let your website go down for 3 days.

Just Another Purehost Disaster

Again with the Purehost bashing? But is it bashing if the horror keeps coming?
Ok, so if you do something mysterious with the IIS Administration console, something that causes your browser to say mean things like the server is redirecting in a way that can never complete, and you go back and set everything back to the way it was before you got all crazy and clicked the wrong thing…does it not stand to reason that the error would have been corrected in Purehost’s stated timeframe of 2 hours? How about 8 hours? What about 10?
No? What about after you waited on hold for 20 minutes to talk to tech support and the guy said it would likely be fixed in 2 hours? No, not even then? So you call back tech support after another nice long wait on hold but have to explain to them where the IIS Administration console even is because they don’t usually do anything with it because they’re used to Unix sanity.The guy can’t fix it and tries to suggest it’s my WordPress installation even though I told him thing didn’t act funky until I went into IIS.
I’m supposed to get a callback tomorrow about this mess because, you guessed it, they have no idea what is wrong and they can’t fix the darned thing,probably because they haven’t the 1st idea what went wrong.Really that IIS console has gotten me in such hot water.Why did I even touch it when clearly I had no idea what a bad thing could happen? Because I have always been able to fix my fumbles in the past.And obviously I had no idea it would have an outcome this dire.
The site in question has been off line since 5 o:clock yesterday afternoon. Sweet.
Well I’m done.Going to bed.