Website still down

I could swear I edited this post.There’s a hex on me or something.My own site has been acting twitchy these past few days…maybe the joke is on me?Maybe powweb and purehost are related? Maybe even the same company?
There’s irony here. I praise powweb but bash purehost a lot.
Here are some coincidences:
Both sites had a scheduled maintanence on the exact same day, Jan 8th.
Both use the same software for control panel.
Both use the exact same verbiage on their sites almost word for word.
Both offer Shopsite and Sitebuilder.
Ok so wasting time being paranoid isn’t helping.But still it would be funny if they turned out to be the same company!

The Website I was having trouble with came back online today around 1pm.
Albeit with some serious issues:
In order to have pretty permalinks on IIS I have to use the IIS admin console
to set my custom error page to use wp-404-handler.php. After the server went offline(that’s what they said caused the redirect to go flooey on me) they managed to fix it but disabled my use of the IIS admin console so I can’t set my custom error page anymore.Goodbye pretty links hello ugly. I had included a lot of manually entered links using dom and h2 id’s to direct site visitors to the exact place on a page I wanted them to go to.Yep,all with pretty urls.So I had to take those out and now I am figuring what to put in in their place.This blows because I was really happy with they way the home page used to look and thought I was done. I’m just doing a quick fix and tossing in some photos where all those links used to be as a compromise.