Version of the All In One Seo Pack once again provides SEO for WP-E-Commerce sites.
Platinum SEO Pack still does not provide SEO for WP-E-Commerce sites.
The following post was not written as an attack against any plugin, WordPress or puppies and kittens. I was simply mourning the loss of something awesome.Which is now back and better than evah!
Used to be that you could use the All in One SEO Pack plugin (along with a code that you inserted between your header.php’s title tags) and you could have unique page titles on WP-E-Commerce Product Pages. It was really great.
But Not Anymore! And installing Platinum SEO Pack does nothing for this issue,either. OK, so I am not sure if it is the SEO plugins, the title tag code, WP 2.8.4 or the new version (3.7.1, not yet upgraded to 3.7.2) of the WP-E-Commerce plugin causing the de functionality of something that was totally beautiful and necessary: unique page titles for Product Pages.
All I know is older versions of all of these(except the title tag code-that is the same) let me have a unique page title when on a single product page. But upgrading everything else means all single product pages bear the exact same page title as the main product page which equals as many duplicate page title warnings in Google Webmaster Tools as you have products. So if you have 2 products, not so bad. If you have 1,200 products,not so good. Because why? Unique page titles rock, duplicate page titles do not rock, that’s why. Unique page titles mean better search results with better information passed to the online shopper, better business for online shop-keepers.
Want SEO for WP-E-Commerce sites ? Upgrade to Version of the All In One Seo Pack !