
My personal site is now powered by WordPress 2.7 and I waited only a week this time to upgrade. The siren song of all the amazing new features promised in 2.7 was too tantalizing to ignore. I am not going to go on and on about how different it is and what I like and don’t like because that’s been covered many times already in many other blogs.
I’m not that worried about my clients; whether or not they will get shock from the new admin (which is now all sleek,slinky and silvery ) because I booted them up to 2.5 with out a warning and they did not freak out then. Although because it is such a change I feel some sort of warning is in order.But I do like it.I think it is going to help my clients find things faster and I won’t have to send them direct links anymore-maybe.
Possibly the best new feature is the ability to make a post “sticky” from the also new Quick Edit option in Posts-Edit.Plain awesome.
I find the easiest way to upgrade is to turn off all my plugins and delete the wp-admin and wp-includes folders and all the wordpress root files except wp-config.php and index.php and of course .htaccess.Then upload the new folders and files and upgrade the database and then re activate all the plugins.I have only had problems uploading with ftp(timeouts with large files and images) but that has never killed any site.It’s just a pain in the butt.Thankfully once all my sites are using 2.7 when there are new versions I can click upgrade and be done with it.Although it must still have to be done with ftp at least I won’t have to deactivate,delete and re upload and reactivate.Doing that for more than 10 sites is not something I look forward to.

3 thoughts on “Upgraayyeded”

  1. I didn’t quite make it to 2.7, proper, but thought that 2.7 beta 2 was worlds better than 2.5.

    On a side note, it’s rare indeed that I’ve remembered to deactivate plugins before an upgrade. Luckily, I’ve never had a problem because of it. Is deactivation just a precaution, because some plugin might not work, or could upgrading without deactivation potentially wreck the whole thing?

  2. Hi Sam! Merry almost xmas to you!
    So you’re back on the WordPress ride?

    Some big table making plugins (like the shopping cart and cforms) probably should be deactivated before upgrading. My steps aren’t as drastic as most who say to back up the database as well as deleting and turning everything off… But I think if you have been upgrading all along and aren’t trying to leap from 2.2 to 2.7 you should be able to upgrade without turning off the plugins.

    If your codes are good and you have backup html in the sidebars and your entire site isn’t based on plugins you can upgrade without having to go into maintenance-mode!

    Did you catch my reference to Idiocracy?

  3. Merry Christmas to you, too!

    I’ve never seen Idiocracy, so any references, unless blatantly pointed out, would fly right over my head.

    I’m not currently on the WordPress ride, no. Right now, I’m running sites with Drupal and Movable Type, but in the past few months, I’ve been through WP, Blogger, ZenPhoto, Zazzle Store Builder, TextPattern, Chyrp, and Joomla, too! 😀

    Thank for the clarification on deactivating plugins. Specificity is a good thing, indeed!

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