Youtube equals exposure and site visitors.Duh!

On the internet, when something is viral it’s a good thing, viral content spreads very fast and infests everyone with its greatness. Just kidding.
Youtube seems to be as popular as breathing.So we should use it to get exposure for our websites,right?
I recently opened an account there for a client of mine who has a member’s site and store for fetish clips he directs.The content is adult but relatively tame because there isn’t any full frontal nudity or xxx shenanigans in the clips.
His is a unique case study because his content is the proverbial Heroin Content,and people really, really want it.Heroin Content+Youtube=Viral-ity?
What I’m wondering is if your content isn’t as compelling as my client’s can an account on Youtube still help you get site visitors?
What if you take a 30 second digital camera video of your dog in the park,then load it to Youtube.
How many site visitors will you get?
I’ve seen many clips on Youtube that were so random but got so many views that I’ve come to the conclusion that people will watch anything as long as it is free.
My client’s Youtube account has only been active for 2 days and already is in the top 54 most viewed.He has 24 subscribers in 2 days and these people are definitely going to the website from Youtube.So what took me so long to think of Youtube?
Well, he wants to sell and Youtube is free.That was what made me think twice about it.But he had samples of the full length clips for the free tours and lots of them and I wanted to be able to show them in his site in a better looking format than with an embedded media player–which as you know looks dated and uncool.
So as a test I loaded a sample clip to Youtube and the outcome was actually surprisingly good.The clip quality isn’t as good as the raw .wmv file but it’s good enough.As I was testing it out his account got 5 subscribers in one hour. And more subscribers when I loaded more clips. My original plan was just to use Youtube’s technology to post sample clips on the tour pages. But his account popularity boomed overnight and I rethought my plan.
The tour pages were originally static with some image galleries and a few sample clips with embedded media players.I remade the tours with WordPress which gave me access to the spectacular plugin by Jens Cornell which has to be the easiest plugin for getting Youtube videos in a post. The usage of the trifecta of Youtube, WordPress and Heroin Content seems to be a great success as far as site traffic goes… But the goal is to get folks to the shop and buy clips so I will just have to wait and see the results.