Add an extra sidebar to any WP theme

Jai Verma has written out a very easy to follow tutorial on adding an extra sidebar to any WP theme.
Some people have a gift when it comes to explaining how to do something. Loads of people have written WP tutorials but seem to bury you in terminology so that very few could follow without being smart enough to have written the tutorial themselves. And in which case they wouldn’t need any help,would they?
Check it out.Easy to do and a heck of a lot less painful than cooking a 12 pound turkey in a Showtime Rotisserie oven. But that is another story.
Blog Oh Blog

WP needs to calm down

I mean it’s sweet that they care so much and that they fix their code all the time but damn I upgraded just a week ago and now they want me to upgrade again? Every time I log into this site I’m working on there’s that big old warning message saying my version is out of date.

I will, but all this fuss just have tagging is a bit over my head. I really don’t care about tags. Not that much anyway.What I care about is getting that friggin top nav to not shmoosh my header title to the friggin left. sheesh.

Now I have to go out and buy an external harddrive that is compatible with mac and pc. That is what my boyfriend asked for for his birthday. We are all a big bunch of geeks around here.

Like an Idiot

I decided to follow a tutorial on how pull my WordPress blog posts into my static home page just hours before I have to get on a plane. I messed up. But an hour later I had it all sorted out again except for the way a WP Query that pulls the latest post into a div at the top of the page was interacting with my other header. I didn’t have time to figure it out and now my fancy php navigation doesn’t show the current page item css. I love how any time you do one thing you end up having to do a bunch of other things to fix the thing you did.

Bring the pain, the plugin pain.

I have a sweetie pie of a client who is very nice and everything but every little design change they ask for (and they ask for very many) and which I then implement has to be tweaked about 30,000 times before they are happy.

Completely understandable. It is their site. I just keep chanting this mantra in my head, keeps me from shooting myself in a vital organ.

Most of the time. Today the requested color was too bright.
I went in and began to do stuff. Ok we all know changing the color of the background of a div is not supposed to make a plugin disappear. I checked for missing ; or } nothing. No unclosed div no unclosed anything. Further messing led me to sidebar.php and back to the plugin page for help. I repeated installation steps 1 2 3. Still not there. I deactivated. I reactivated. Still not there. I cleared my cache. Still not there. I deleted the plugin and reuploaded it. I followed the steps all over again. Still not there.
This is the kind of thing that makes me unhappy.
Because whatdidIdo?! Back up your themes before you mess with them,sob.
And while I was re-validating the code I got a message saying that it had no less then 42 errors!
Continue reading Bring the pain, the plugin pain.