Forget That

I was reading an article on advice for professional bloggers.Trust me, I am far too realistic to ever think I could get paid for this here blather but I still take an interest in what folks are saying about blogging.
The author of the article went on to say that a blogger ought to keep content limited to a few subjects,for the hope of snagging returning visiters &keeping their interest.She said that for personal blogs skipping about all over the shop was fine but for a professional it isn’t.Apparently folks will get cheesed if a techie blog has too many personal posts.Really.How selfish of the visitor to expect a techie to not have a life.And the poor techie:everyone assumes they don’t have a life so they go out of their way to write about their lives and they get slapped on the wrist for being too well rounded.
The thing with the blog is that it got mainstreamed just like Grunge music did.Except we probably will not be seeing Blog wear fashions on the catwalk any time soon.Remember Macy’s Grunge windows? I pissed myself laughing.Idiotic corporate greed is always ready to appropriate a thing the instant it becomes popular. And soon enough business began to blog.
Not because they want the world to know what their execs eat for breakfast or see the latest baby/vacation pic.Nope: fresh content equals more searchabilty.It’s a fact that when corporations get involved, money is the reason.
Anyway,I read this article and thought of my own blog then I remembered mine is a personal blog.I’m not selling anything and I don’t have Google ads or AdSense or whathaveyou.If I put a clicktracker in my footer it’s just because I can.