New site (almost) completed

trisha mcbride dance
Trisha McBride Dance
Still not validating on the shop page,there’s one error caused by one of those lovely wandering paragraph tags right before a div tag placed by the WP-Shopping-Cart…darn it.
I may be able to get rid of it by rewriting a product description so there isn’t any whitespace(that’s usually what causes a misplaced p tag in WP).
You are not allowed to wrap a div in a p tag! So there is that error.Pesky.
All nerdy moaning aside the site looks swell if I say so myself.
We didn’t know what to do with the home page for ages.
You know it’s getting tough when you can’t decide what to do with the home page.
But it came together in a snap when the owner sent me a gorgeous photograph that, once placed, made everything else seem just about right.
The reason the home page caused trouble as far as deciding what should go there is that it’s not a blog site– although the owner is not deadset against having a blog–it’s a website for a dancer who teaches classes and leads workshops. Most websites I have seen in this genre have been less than inspirational,although a few have been pretty good(the ones who stayed away from font-family:Papyrus).

I still need to find an elegant solution to showing an excerpt from the events page(we’re using this instead of a blog for now) on the home page. I’m thinking of setting up a post category called homepage news and using a query to include it on the home page…But the rest of the site is done.
I don’t really love the turquoise color for the menu links but the site owner wanted them that colour and I want to dim the white of the floral pattern in the bg image…it’s a little too bright and it distracts the eye. Style is all very nice to have but you want site visitors to click links not stare at your bg image.
We also kind of want to stay away from the bulletin-board effect and leave the home page spare yet elegant.But most important is having keywords in that intro paragraph in case folks do searches for dance teachers and dance instruction,whatever,they may find her website…

I’ve used the Add Meta Tags plugin but woe:it doesn’t add them anywhere there aren’t posts..again yet another reason to use a custom query!