Bad Friday

Today was just one of those days.
I got a mysterious email from a client. All it said was tell sion the bad news. This worried me. I waited for a follow up email but none came. What bad news? Argh!

Last night our beloved neighbours plopped a ton of stuff into the hallway that connects 3 apartments/lofts. Our building is not 100% residential and so our garbage pickup is only once a week. Miss that one day and the rest of us get to walk past a pile o stinky trash for another week each time we go into/out of our chezes. This blows. It blows even more that these sweeties often forget to remove their own trash and the mens of my house have to do it for them. But last night’s mountain was too much.

So I wrote em a note. In classic stylee. Of course they wrote on the space left on my note that I was “a coward and not a real human being,otherwise I would have knocked on their door to tell them my thoughts in person”.

They were assuming that I knew who was dumping all the old crap in the hallway.

My note only said “please take this crap down to the curb by Monday night or we will all have to walk by it for another week”.

It must have been the use of the word crap that offended them. In their minds, even their discarded belongings deserve respect.

I hadn’t knocked on their door because when we 1st saw the new mountain in our hallway it was late and not a good time for a neighborly face to face on why they have to be such inconsiderate, lazy assholes jerks all the time.

Every now and then I can’t take the state of the hallway anymore and spend a good 2 hours clearing out all the stuff that everyone shoves out there.This means picking it up and carrying it down a steep flight of stairs and sweeping up all the cigarette butts and litter and dirt that everyone else pretends not to see.

My note was just an attempt to keep the hallway from returning to it’s former shambles.
Once in awhile I dream of not having to make excuses to our guests as to why the hallway looks so awful. D. and I discussed painting it and maybe hanging a picture or two out there. But I don’t want to go through all that trouble if everyone is going to continue using it as a kip.

We are without a proper landlord and amenities like a clean, un-cluttered, non-fire hazard-y hallway aren’t included in the rent.

And then I picked a fight with A.