Tableless css gallery

You can see all the code for it here

I was scratching my bean yesterday because I really wanted to jazz up my dad’s site’s catalog pages with some thumbnail pictures but I had put so many dumb divs in those pages already that I was tired of moving everything about when I added something new.
This is the pain of div-itis and it is a problem when you realise you simply can’t just squish in a bunch of divs in order to position all your content.You may as well stick with tables if you’re going to use divs like tables,I guess.
I had done just that because I was trying to get that awesome css float element to work with these pages and it was a short cut of a sort to just div it all up.
My pages still needed some work and it looked very plain and dull,despite a day playing with positioning and color.
I’d started to put in a few lightbox linked photos but with all the divs and whathaveyou,the padding and margin and etc,the word wrap was stopping at the bottom of each image if it was a certain size.If there was a lot of text it was fine(duh).Anyway, it just looked cluttered when I was done and in the end I was grateful for dull and plain…
I googled css thumbnail gallery and found the site I mentioned above.
I took his advice(I think he’s a he) and kept each thumbnail at 75px by 75px.I used my lightbox linked images that I already had.I can see now that these images are a little small to use in a lightbox so I am going to link them to some larger ones tommorrow.
See the coolish results here catalog thumbnails

Still making those lame mistakes in CSS and HTML

I think the best way to to keep learning is to not be afraid of making a mistake.
I was never that happy with the footer of a certain page design so I just spent about half an hour switching style sheets or combining style sheets to see what would look nicer.
The footer hopped about,up or down and then when I added a style sheet, the pages became so short that the content ran off it far down below the footer.
oops.The style sheet I added had a container division height xxpx attribute that worked for the specific page for which it was written, but had very bad results for the page on which I was currently fucking up.
The truth is that even after all this time working with CSS&HTML I still make mistakes.
But I don’t mind it because it forces me to keep learning and figuring things out by trying out a lot of different solutions. My last project forced me to try for the 1st time the float: left or right and also clear: both.The float is really good for images and text and if you get the margins and padding right it looks even better.

Currently I am no longer as satisfied with this page’s design as I was,once. Now to me the sidebar containing all the links looks too wide,too dark and doesn’t look that nice where it’s positioned.
Clearly it’s back to the drawing board.
If you must know what I’m talking about go to the Stone Street Press link on this page.