Tableless css gallery

You can see all the code for it here

I was scratching my bean yesterday because I really wanted to jazz up my dad’s site’s catalog pages with some thumbnail pictures but I had put so many dumb divs in those pages already that I was tired of moving everything about when I added something new.
This is the pain of div-itis and it is a problem when you realise you simply can’t just squish in a bunch of divs in order to position all your content.You may as well stick with tables if you’re going to use divs like tables,I guess.
I had done just that because I was trying to get that awesome css float element to work with these pages and it was a short cut of a sort to just div it all up.
My pages still needed some work and it looked very plain and dull,despite a day playing with positioning and color.
I’d started to put in a few lightbox linked photos but with all the divs and whathaveyou,the padding and margin and etc,the word wrap was stopping at the bottom of each image if it was a certain size.If there was a lot of text it was fine(duh).Anyway, it just looked cluttered when I was done and in the end I was grateful for dull and plain…
I googled css thumbnail gallery and found the site I mentioned above.
I took his advice(I think he’s a he) and kept each thumbnail at 75px by 75px.I used my lightbox linked images that I already had.I can see now that these images are a little small to use in a lightbox so I am going to link them to some larger ones tommorrow.
See the coolish results here catalog thumbnails