I have a big mouth

I was on a friend’s Twitter and went from her Twitter to her friend’s Twitter page. This in itself should have given me a clue. But it did not. I checked out her portfolio site and then blogged about it and I wasn’t so nice. I didn’t say really bad things but I shouldn’t have said anything at all. I defend my tables nazi stance when it comes to Web design but this is no reason to bash the friend of a friend. I don’t mind getting “caught”. Because we all need reminders that what we write can have repurcussions and we have to be ready to stand up or apologize .I got this reminder when my friend called me and asked me what was up with what I wrote. Thank heaven she wasn’t upset. I think she just thinks I am nuts. I can live with that.


I did not mean to attack the friend of a friend.
I was in my tables=bad zone.
I am like a dog with a bone on that subject.It may have seemed like I intended to be mean but I really just meant …well, I can’t say anymore because I have my foot in my mouth already!
I deleted the post.
Tina is such a great person and a friend of hers must be cool,too.

I deleted 2 posts.

I don’t think anyone saw them but in case you did I had to do it.I never forgot that folks would read what I wrote but I didn’t think certain folks would read it. I wasn’t sure these folks could read. Kidding. Anyways, no more talking shop in that way in my public blog. Bad.