New Blog Look

I can’t stand having the same blogtemplate that 10,000,00 others have. Even though the template I used was the nice TicTac (Blueberry)-I had to go in and change everything.
Actually, I didn’t care to change the placement of #main #posts #sidebar #header. So if you think about it, it’s now just a smaller(thinner),pinker,greyer version of the original.
Still, it was a lot of work…a lot of deleting work,hah ha.
Then a few changes to the margins and paddings and fonts and background colors and voila:my version is cooler!
I really like the font Miriam.I used to exhaust myself trying to find out there type fonts.But the depressing news on out there fonts is that unless the veiwer also has this font-they won’t see your font.So you’ve got to use something widely used.
There are ways of embedding your fonts with PHP or Javascript but I haven’t had success with those,yet.

Saatchi Gallery

your gallery

my page

I had a bad experience with deviantArt because so much of the art I saw wasn’t as good as mine and I wanted to be in good company-not a bunch of 7th grade level notebook scribblerdoodlers.
Snobbish? hell yeah.
Yes, sure everyone’s an artist/writer/painter/musician.Fine go ahead but suck is still suck and ignorance is still ignorance and it pains me when I see someone who has no respect for the ones who’ve gone before and have no respect for the titles they so easily give themselves.I guess it’s always been this way.
A friend of my dad told me about the Saatchi online gallery that lets anyone upload their work and have their own mini gallery hosted by them.
And so I saw that it’s the same kind of unmoderated/democratic system as deviantart’s…but a brief browse turned up some decent work, which allowed my snobby self to think that I wouldn’t be so ashamed to show my face there.

And when i tried to go the moderated route I just ran into a scam…ok maybe it wasn’t a scam but they did want me to pay 150 bucks to get signed up.And I wouldn’t do it.

Web Pages That Suck

Every now and then I go to Vincent Flanders’ Web pages that Suck to get a dose of shame,learn and scurry to fix my offenses.Luckily I labor in obscurity well under any radar!
To date: I struggled with the header as a clickable link issue often.
I’ve read it isn’t allowed. I’ ve read it is allowed to the point of being a big sign of suckage if your header banner isn’t a link to your home page.

It gets confusing,all these rules.But if you want folks to pay you for web design it’s pretty important that you make up your own mind and hopefully you make it up on the winning side of the semantic fuss.
I’ve decided it’s a damn good idea.

Mr.Flanders is a harsh critic and thankfully I haven’t made more than 3 points worth of mistakes,myself.
Since I hand write most of my own stylesheets I don’t get the Frontpage suck he seems to deem the worst offense of them all.
But he himself uses tables in his design which to me in my little unknown opinion is one of the major signs of suckability in web pages today.

Tiny Mysql Success

After all of my fear and I know that at least some of you can relate to this, I finally just went and ran my first tiny script that required a mysql database connection.
It all started…ok I will spare you my longwinded rattle which is super boring to anyone but me.

But I was avoiding it so hard that it had to be tackled.After all, there comes a time when you just can’t keep sidestepping mysql…much as you’d like to.Not if what you want to do is help people set up their own sites as like a job,you know?
I spent a good part of the day browsing Sourceforge looking for this and that.Which I can do for hours on end…I find it exciting,that is what a geek I am.

I’d downloaded a comments script that hadn’t stated outright that you needed mysql(which is good because I wouldn’t have downloaded it).

My host had given me my own mysql databse and db connections specs and I had run a connectivity test just 2 weeks ago but that was all.So I just followed the directions of the install and poof.I have comments.I have moderated comments,too with ip banning and a search form and the time and date and everything. wow.