New Blog Look

I can’t stand having the same blogtemplate that 10,000,00 others have. Even though the template I used was the nice TicTac (Blueberry)-I had to go in and change everything.
Actually, I didn’t care to change the placement of #main #posts #sidebar #header. So if you think about it, it’s now just a smaller(thinner),pinker,greyer version of the original.
Still, it was a lot of work…a lot of deleting work,hah ha.
Then a few changes to the margins and paddings and fonts and background colors and voila:my version is cooler!
I really like the font Miriam.I used to exhaust myself trying to find out there type fonts.But the depressing news on out there fonts is that unless the veiwer also has this font-they won’t see your font.So you’ve got to use something widely used.
There are ways of embedding your fonts with PHP or Javascript but I haven’t had success with those,yet.