I did not mean to attack the friend of a friend.
I was in my tables=bad zone.
I am like a dog with a bone on that subject.It may have seemed like I intended to be mean but I really just meant …well, I can’t say anymore because I have my foot in my mouth already!
I deleted the post.
Tina is such a great person and a friend of hers must be cool,too.
Author: mccormicky
… while trying to switch from SimplePHPBlog to WordPress.
I just read this article that’s got some IT people’s panties in a twist.Most of the ire seems to be because the Wall Street Journal published an article about 10 things you can do without your IT dept. Techrepublic ,an online tech magazine, is mad because they think it’s giving out unsafe advice. Stuff like “How to send large files”(no.1) and “How to store your files online”(no.6), they deem semi-innocuous. But other stuff like “How to go to sites your company blocks” and How to clear your tracks on your work computer”, they think go over the line.
I don’t do IT for my job but I was still interested enough to go to the WSJ and read the article. Ok, I wanted to know what IT people actually did.
I thought it all seemed reasonable enough advice until I got to (no.8)
Then goes on to describe “The Problem: Anyone without a BlackBerry knows the feeling: There’s a lull in the conversation when you’re out to dinner or an after-work beer, and everyone reaches for their pocket to grab their BlackBerry, leaving you alone to stir your drink.”
I want to know what kind of people are these? A lull in the conversation drives these guys to start fidgeting with their toys? Is being quiet for one second so uncomfortable for these gadget-junkies that they have to start groping their electronic doodads in desperation for something to do?
If you don’t have a Blackberry, you’re not cool. If you don’t have an iPhone,you’re not cool.That has been pretty much established by advertising. It’s so soulless. People seriously need to get a grip.
I know that writer was just needing a cute preamble to lead into their solution…I know that it can’t be that we have devolved to the point that we cannot be silent amongst each other without the aid of some shiny piece of plastic to keep us occupied. Have we?
Anyway, if you want to read the article go here.
Time to Move
I know I said just over week ago I wouldn’t switch blogging tools.But I have to.Why? Because there just isn’t a reason to stay with the one I have when I can have a WordPress blog.It’s safe to say I knew I’d outgrown my SimplePHPBlog when the gallery plugin I tried to use (there was just one to choose from) said I had to have the GD Library installed for it to work. I do.I tried to convince it but no luck.
Also, all my session id’s attached themselves to every link. Security risk.I think.I’ve read it isn’t so great,anyway.
WP is just so freaking handy.There’s so much support,it’s rabidly developed and so many people are obsessed with it.So if there was ever any problem I could find out how to fix it spit spot because 300 other people have already had and fixed the exact same problem.
I am going to retire this blog as soon as I get all my content switched to the new blog.
Don’t worry, you’ll be sure to see me and my big mouth back in action super soon.
I Love PHP Classes
I used to love Sourceforge. Now I love PHP Classes.
How can you not love a site that has tons of smart people constantly uploading new classes(I think classes can be called applications in most cases-they’re pretty robust) for PHP that they wrote and that you can have for free? If you haven’t gone there you should. There is so much stuff.I am not saying it is all great.But if you stick to the top 10 new releases to try out you will save yourself wasting time on useless stuff.Sleektabs is one class you should test for yourself.AJAX and PHP. I’ve loaded it up and am going to try it out. I will report my success or failure.