Monday Web Woe

Why can’t anything ever be easy? I knew changing hosts and setting up a new ecommerce website would be a challenge- especially because I had to use a new ecommerce solution that seemed to be very very beta. But I work with what I am given. The easy thing was customizing the free template to match the WordPress theme I custom made for the new site. Oh what a walk in the park compared to other stuff. I have encountered new things these past weeks: Private SSL, openssl,Dedicated IP,openbase,corporatese and sysadmins who might be drinking on the job.

Corporatese I can manage.I read 1984, I knew it was coming:the newspeak. I can imagine it comes as second nature to business school types. I went to art school and the jargon I picked up (to mock it) was just as full of hot air. In artschoolspeak the point was to sound like you were really saying something especially if you were talking about your work. In corporatese the point is not to let anyone know what you are talking about especially if you are talking about your work.

The ecommerce site launched like a tiny little dream with https all over the place. 2 days later the dream vanished and we found ourselves without a dedicated ip. Ssl certificates will not work without a dedicated ip address. It is as if we don’t have an ssl installed at all and are reduced to self signed. Browsers just love this.There is no way anyone is ever going to buy anything if they have to add an exception to do so.There is even a button on the error message that says Get me out of here! With an exclamation point and everything. Who is going to see that and say “oh, I don’t care but I want to buy the item anyway”.

Get Grid View Without the Gold Cart

gratuitous blog post imageWPSC means WordPress Shopping Cart, a plugin for WordPress.

What: Too cheap to buy a Gold Cart Module for your WPSC plugin? Well, it isn’t only out of cheapness that I’m writing this (anyway I make my clients buy the module for other reasons like more payment gateways than PayPal) it’s the constant battle to optimize SEO. This shopping cart plugin is possibly the best thing to happen to WordPress but it gives less than great SEO. Duplicate title tags,missing or too short meta descriptions.

How: Use the WordPress editor in Visual Mode to insert a product group into a Page or Post.

The more familiar I get with how low ranking websites get knocked for duplicate content (yep, Google gives more leeway to popular sites with loads of incoming links and high page rank) the more value I see in adding a product group/category to a page or post rather than use the one page to show your entire store.

The editor in HTML mode will not show the shopping cart button. And if you turned this option off in your user profile you won’t ever see this button. So go to your user profile and turn Use Visual Editor back on.
So go to Write > Page and click on the cart icon to choose a category from product groups. Select, insert,save. Once you preview you’ll see that the products scroll down the page.
Don’t publish just yet.

Here is some sweet sweet CSS to fake the Grid View, save 20 bucks and get some good SEO working (that those rich guys that paid for Grid View probably won’t have).
This part is so incredibly easy I could kiss myself. In fact I will.

Fake Grid View CSS
Add this to style.css in your theme folder:
#homepage_products .category_view_product .product_details .wpsc_product_title{font-size:12px;}
#homepage_products .category_view_product{width:200px;height:300px;float:left;margin:8px 3px;}
The height and width and margins will have to be tweaked to fit your wishes.You can make the product titles smaller and change color.You can also have borders.It’s wide open for customization.But the float:left is what matters and creates the grid.Having overflow:hidden in the wrapper div keeps the page from looking screwy.

Next thing is to download the All in One SEO pack plugin for WordPress, unzip, upload to plugins folder, activate settle up the options and go back to your almost done Page or Post.Pop open the All in One SEO box in the editor page, below Categories. You’ll see title,description and keyword fields. Writing in your description will solve the short or missing meta description problem. If you used a post you can skip the keywords field and use tags instead. Tags are better anyway.

Use a Page or a Post?
In WordPress categories are king and you can great things with category templates.You can only use categories with posts. I would rather be able to place a single product into a Post.I think this would open up a lot more flexibility in using this plugin. This is supposed to be an option in the latest release of the plugin but either it doesn’t work or I have another plugin that breaks the button code for this. Entirely possible.

Last but not least tweak your header.php. Look for the line with html]blah blah blah [/html] delete it and paste this in it’s place:

// Page or Single Post
if ( is_page() or is_single() ) {

// Category Archive
} elseif ( is_category() ) {
printf( __(‘Archive for &lsquo;%s&rsquo;’), single_cat_title(”, false) );

// Tag Archive
} elseif ( function_exists(‘is_tag’) and function_exists(‘single_tag_title’) and is_tag() ) {
printf( __(‘Tag Archive for &lsquo;%s&rsquo;’), single_tag_title(”, false) );

// General Archive
} elseif ( is_archive() ) {
printf( __(‘%s Archive’), wp_title(”, false) );

// Search Results
} elseif ( is_search() ) {
printf( __(‘Search Results for &lsquo;%s&rsquo;’), get_query_var(‘s’) );

// Insert separator for the titles above
if ( !is_home() and !is_404() ) {
_e(‘ at ‘);

// Finally the blog name


That helps take care of the duplicate title problem for categories and archives.
The all in one seo pack does most of the work and this does the rest. It’s very cool.

The Shiny Factor

Brooklyn, New York Weather

**Weather Badge from

I have a client who has loaded their website full of slick little badges from some big well known sites like this tidy little weather badge. While I was patiently adding amp; after every single last ampersand in the pasted in code(those badges are never valid,never) it occurred to me that the attraction of these doohickeys is that they make your website look busy and like you have a lot going on. To me they’re not just a validity nightmare they’re also just not very interesting.

People new to having a website of their own may develop an inferiority complex when comparing their website to another website they’ve always admired. Big websites with about 20 programmers working behind the scenes are impressive. A modest little blog/personal site can seem rather paltry when compared to

There are 75,000 new blogs thrown up on the internet everyday. Every day.
Like my art teacher told me in my final year : only 5% will actually do something after they’ve graduated. I feel this percentage could be the same for the 75,000 new blogs. Most people might have the attention span of a mentally handicapped 4 year old and will not be able to devote the time and energy it takes to maintain and update and grow a website. Out of those 75,000 only a few will make it past the first 20 posts.

If you want a website with a lot going on in it put up new pictures and video. Write, link, interact. Having a lot of badges and widgets on your pages can’t replace original content created by you.

I don’t care how many widgets and badges your website has.I enjoy reading.Give me something to read over a shiny badge any day.

** As far as I know is not a big well known website but it does have a rather nice weather badge.