New Website: Closet Space

picture-6The first first is a chance to design a movie trailer web site for a friend of mine, Sheru Arora (I did his main site I have always wanted to do one and best of it it’s a Horror flick. My favorite genre these days. I’m not sure what is is, a ghost story or a monster story or both. But it looks exciting and scary. It’s called Closet Space and is sure to scare the pants off of you. I know I used to be afriad of the closet.Especially after seeing Poltergeist as a kid. Parents be warned it’s probably going to cause trauma in small chirrens.

This is a fluid width site which means I did not use #page{width:980px}. Main divs are using percents. I started doing this for my main content div and my sidebar div on other websites but never for a wrapper. The big reason I wanted to try this is because I now have a widescreen monitor. That’s basically it. I’m really not involved in the fluid vs. fixed debate.

The screenshot shows the background image, the trailer playing in the ProPlayer Plugin for WordPress, and the Closet Space banner. I was given a still image from the trailer to work with as the background image. It did not look right “as was” so I grunged it up in Photoshop with some grunge brushes I got from Deviant Art which, by the way is my number one Photoshop Resource destination.

The banner logo is made up of 5 or 6 text layers all set to Overlay and using the blend option Outside Glow. The more text layers, the brighter the glow got. The font face is Baskerville.

140 Year Old 20 lb Lobster


See the video
Thank you Brooklyn Paper!

Who: Craig the lobster & the owners of the restaurant.
What: A 20 pound lobster gets returned to the sea by PETA.
Where: The Halu Japanese restaurant on 13th Avenue, Dyker Heights, Brooklyn.
When: Today, Tuesday February 17th.

Why: Because if you make it to 140 years you don’t deserve to be boiled alive and eaten with clarified butter and garlic…or do you?
I wonder how much a 20 pound lobster would cost? I’d settle for a 1 pounder. Already cooked by someone else, of-hypocritically-course.

Multifeedsnap Plugin Can’t Fetch Ebay RSS Feeds-They’re Too Long!

I don’t use Twitter that often but people use Tiny URL on Twitter all the time because of the 140 character limit per Twit. Seeing this made me think what if I used it to shorten Ebay Feed URI? It was worth a try. So I went to and pasted my monster Ebay RSS URL in the transform box and got a tiny url to put in the
[ feedsnap] shortcode [ /feedsnap] Now the plugin shows the feed. And I am happy again.

This reminds me of another Ebay related rss problem. Finding the rss button at the bottom of my Ebay Advanced search result pages. I just couldn’t find it! I asked Ebay support. Got back some whiffle about clearing my cookies and cache. Turns out I was using the Beta Advanced Search. I opted out of this and now I can find the RSS button at the bottom of my advanced searches.

WordPress Permalink Structure Re Structure

they're beans, their beans, there there beansI’ve always set up my Permalink structure as /%category%/%postname% But as it turns out this is not so hot. I’ve just switched it to /%post_id%/%postname%. I checked some of my hand typed urls using the permalinks and was redirected to the new permalink.

This seems sweet. Pretty pretty sweet. Though thankfully my host knows its beans. I wouldn’t like to try this switch over on a host server that did not know it’s beans.