The TV Junkie, Revealed

My boyfriend called me a TV junkie about 67,000 times when he caught me watching The Good Wife. It woke him up and must have made him grumpy. I don’t like being called a junkie anything but when I list all the shows I follow the evidence is a bit damning.

FX: I had to watch all of Damages, which meant renting the first two seasons on NetFlix then trying to hog the TV every Monday night at 10. Not easy to do during the playoffs. The 3rd season has ended. I am all caught up.

HBO: Pretty much anything HBO churns out will snag me. I watched the entire first 2 seasons of The Wire and then Band of Brothers. I watch The Ricky Gervais Show, Treme, The Pacific -like I said, anything by HBO. A likes Bored to Death and the Life and Times of Tim and so do I but I suspect it is OK for him to love these shows and that because he loves them it’s not junkie-esque.

Showtime: United States of Tara and Nurse Jackie but I can wait to see them, no remote clawing necessary.

AMC: I was sucked into Breaking Bad. When Mad Men was on I cried for the remote at 10 pm sharp every Sunday.

BBC: Survivors and Dr Who. Too bad TW On Demand decided to yank Survivors after ep. 6 – made it impossible to follow – I just barely caught the season finale last night. I liked Torchwood a lot. I have grown tired of the formula of Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares but if it is on I’ll look at it.

Back to the Good Wife. It is the only non cable TV show I watch. I watch it On Demand so I can fast-forward through the commercials. Last night I had to wait until A fell asleep before the Lakers game was over but once there was official snoring from the sofa I took a break from the web design. He seemed really disillusioned that I was enjoying that show. He is very scornful of any show that resembles a Soap Opera. The reason I watch it is:

True Blood returns June 17th! Dexter in September? October? I forget! Oh TV, you wily drug.

New WP-E-Commerce Site Just Finished Today

This is for Tagsmith, a custom leather luggage tag maker in Los Angeles,CA. I’m going to be going on a trip soon myself (yay!) and it makes perfect sense to get a hot pink leather luggage tag for my bag so it will stand out amongst the kazillion other black bags on the baggage carousel…So check out his new site and buy some tags. Also that little plastic window that covers your address won’t turn yellow. Very important.

**Edit Alert** Wednesday, May 12

Turned out that was a premature announcement. After I posted this my client asked me to revise the design… It’s not uncommon to be asked for revisions and its not uncommon to miss the design mark on the first or second try. Luckily I got it right on the second try. Check out the results:

A Very Sad State Of Affairs

I don’t always get everything I order online. This saddens me deeply because shopping online is my favorite way to acquire things (I don’t have to deal with people). The very big downside to shopping online is SHIPPING. In my case shipping is fraught with fears of non delivery and larcenous neighbors. If a package is delivered by USPS the gamble is on: will I get it? Will I even get a notice of delivery slip? It’s never smooth with USPS. Only one time in the almost 7 years I’ve lived at this address was a package delivered by USPS to my door that I actually received. The other time the package was put on the truck and delivered to my address it was stolen— by a neighbor or the driver, it was never decided.

Woes Continue
I hardly ever get a notice of attempted delivery, often I have to write the number down by hand and drag my butt to the Post Office on Myrtle which keeps very mysterious hours. The mysteriousness of the hours at this location is only matched by the elusiveness of the workers.

It Gets Worse!
I have no problem getting bills or official mail. I have no luck getting personal mail. It makes me very angry because when it comes to mail it should not be a matter of luck and yet it is, on this route. Our mail is divided into 2 boxes, one for the upstairs and one for everyone else which means everyone has to paw through everyone else’s mail to find their mail. So while I am pawing I often see my neighbor’s hand addressed envelopes which can only mean that I am the one with bad luck because I rarely receive mail that has been hand addressed.
Recently our carrier said she was not going to ring the buzzer anymore so the landlord installed a key keeper so that she could unlock the key keeper, take out the key, open the door, deliver the mail and then replace the key and flounce off. Last Friday a neighbor had a party and early the next morning I saw the key on the ground. Someone had busted into the key keeper and the card was either thrown on the ground or fell there. I guess now our mail will be stopped again until the key keeper is fixed. Another month without mail! And I am breathlessly awaiting my Damages Season 2 DVDS from Netflix. Oh Drat.

A Local Business Fares No Better
I had a chat with the lovely Karen of Karen’s Body Beautiful about how she cannot ship internationally anymore because packages sent with USPS get stuck at customs forever or get lost (or stolen). Too bad because USPS is the only carrier that ships internationally at reasonable rates. We had another subject to discuss: people claiming they never got all the items they ordered. She said the first few times she got these kinds of complaints she would just faithfully send out another item. The no questions asked partial order replacement policy at Karen’s must have caught on because a lot of people began to claim they never got all their items, either. Karen said this prompted her to film every order from shelf to box and keep an archive of the videos. This smart step covers her if a customer claims they did not get this or that from their last order. We did not discuss what actions she takes if a customer claims they never got the package at all…

Other Carriers
About 98% of the time I have no problem getting parcels & packages delivered by other carriers, especially UPS and never with Fedex. That was until 12:45 pm on February 24th, 2010 when a package containing my February 22 order of a Waring Pro Stainless Steel Roaster Oven, weighing a hefty 30 lbs, was delivered and possibly left by the front door by a UPS driver. I’m not sure if Front Door means it was left inside or outside (our neighborhood is not nearly safe enough for packages to be left outside). The only other theory is that it was left inside the front door and one of my neighbors took it.

I have to hand it to Rue La La. They promptly responded to my email and said they would put out a tracer on my oven. Until then it’s toaster oven cooking for us, same as usual.

Back to Normal?
I am beginning to wonder if shopping online is a good idea for me anymore. It isn’t as though I live in a remote village where online shopping is probably the only way people who live in remote villages can get good stuff… I’m in Brooklyn! I can get anything I want. I just have to go out and deal with people. Oh well, they’re not all bad.


Just had a chat with the UPS driver who delivers to this area. He was dropping off a package for my neighbor Christina which he left halfway up the stairs.He stated he left my package in the exact same spot.
“Didn’t you get it?”
“No, I did not, somebody took it!” He looked shocked.
“Your own neighbors?”
“My own neighbors.”
We both shook our heads.
He gave me the tracer notice to sign. I picked up Christina’s package and put it outside her door – we share a common hallway that has a securely locking door. Can’t trust nobody. Rue La La told me they were just going to refund the money to me. I am glad not to be out the 63 dollars and change and I am glad Rue La La is so reasonable (I wouldn’t be this reasonable) but I still feel ripped off. Not by Rue La La but by one of my neighbors. My own neighbors? I don’t want to believe that someone who lives in this building stole my package. But that seems to be what happened. So to my sticky fingered neighbor: you’re a poop. I hope the 1st thing you cook with my oven gives you the runs for a week.

Use WordPress Rss Feeds to Show a Featured Content Gallery In Lightspeed Webstore Landing Page

WordPress+Simplepie+Lightspeed, awesome. In my last post I showed you how to make a featured content gallery with the_post_thumbnail. And in this post I talked about how to use Simplepie to show a WordPress feed on your Webstore.

I’m not going to lie, it requires extra work to use WordPress to enhance your Webstore. But it’s worth it. Because, lets face it, Webstores out of the box need a bit of pizazz.

In my last post I linked to a demo of a featured content gallery in a WordPress site. Snore, everybody has them on their WordPress sites, big deal, right? Well the only reason I built it was to learn how to build the exact same thing for a Webstore custom page using RSS feeds. And thanks to my friend David Auerbach over at I know how to code it into custom_page.tpl.php and have it show only on the landing page.

So enough chitter chatter, here’s the plain custom_page.tpl.php
<div style="padding: 15px 25px; line-height: 1.5em;"><?php echo $this->content; ?></div>
<?php if(isset($this->pnlSlider)): ?>
<br style="clear:both"/>
<?php $this->pnlSlider->Render(); ?>
<br style="clear:both"/>
<?php endif; ?>[/php]

Here’s my code:
<?php if($_GET[‘cpage’] && $_GET[‘cpage’]==’intro’):?>

<div id="product-specials">
<div id="slider">
<div id="sliderContent">
<?php foreach ($feed->get_items(0, 12) as $item): ?>
<div class="sliderImage"><?php print $item->get_description(); ?>
<span class="right"><a href="<?php echo $item->get_permalink(); ?>"><?php echo $item->get_title(); ?> </a></span></div>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<div class="clear sliderImage"></div>
</div> <!–product specials–>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php echo $this->content; ?>

<?php if(isset($this->pnlSlider)): ?>

<?php $this->pnlSlider->Name = ”; ?>

<?php $this->pnlSlider->Render(); ?>

<?php endif; ?>

This line makes sure the gallery only shows on the “Welcome to my Store” custom page:

[php]<?php if($_GET[‘cpage’] && $_GET[‘cpage’]==’intro’):?> [/php]

If you have re named the Page Key from intro to something else Please make sure to make the changes,OK?

I’ve coded it to show 12 feed items in the gallery. For more or less items, modify this line:

[php]<?php foreach ($feed->get_items(0, 12) as $item): ?> [/php]

A commenter said that they changed this line:
[php]<?php print $item->get_description(); ?>[/php]
[php]<?php print $item->get_content(); ?>[/php]
and was happier with the results. Try both out.

This line
[php]<?php $this->pnlSlider->Name = ”; ?>[/php]
takes off the title of the Webstore product slider.
If you want it put back in just comment it out or cut it.

Ok, so before you run off and start modifying your custom page templates…
I hope it goes without saying you have to have WordPress installed on your server.
You also have to have Simplepie installed on your server.
Download Simplepie
Just make a folder called inc in your directory root and upload to it.
Then make another folder called cache. That’s it, Simplepie is now installed.

Insert this code at the top of your index.tpl.php:
include_once $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’] . ‘/store/inc/’;
//full link to your wordpress, either just the site:
$feed = new SimplePie(‘’);
$feed2 = new SimplePie(‘’);
function image_from_description($data) {
preg_match_all(‘/<img src="([^"]*)"([^>]*)>/i’, $data, $matches);
I’ve included 2 kinds of feed links there. One links to posts and one links to categories. If you have a Specific category add it in after /category and before /feed/.

There must not be blank space before the < ?php or you'll get that error message "Cannot modify header information,etc" and your store will go down. So make sure there is no blank space, ok? Also if you want to link to a specific category feed and you have a category base name make sure to include that name before the ending /feed/ like this: I'm also assuming you have permalinks turned on. If you don't you should turn them on. If you want to show your whole blog in the featured content gallery slider doo dad--all the posts, no matter what category they are from, just use the link to the feed. Here are the kinds of rss feeds available. (Not sure about using the RSS .92 feed link)

Without Permalinks!

“RSS 2.0″”
“RSS .92″ href=””
“Atom 0.3″ href=””

With Permalinks!

“RSS 2.0″ href=””
“RSS .92″ href=””
“Atom 0.3″ href=””

Extra Stuff
Because the RSS feed grabs the link to the post if you don’t take a few extra steps your content gallery feed items will end up linking to back to the blog , not the products in the featured content gallery which, depending on how you want to use the gallery, might defeat your purposes.

Oh what to do? Use a plugin that redirects using Custom Fields!
I pasted this into function.php of my WordPress theme to redirect each post link to a specific product link using a custom field:
//set the options
$key = ‘redirect’;
$status = 301;

//Hook the link rewrite function into the page_link filter
//This part replaces the page URL, wherever it is outputted, with our custom URL
function custom_field_page_link($link,$id) {
//globalize vars
global $key;

$custom_page_url = get_post_meta($id, $key, true);
if(!empty($custom_page_url)) $link = $custom_page_url;
return $link;

//Hook the redirect function into the template_redirect action
//This part actually does the redirect, if necessary
function custom_field_redirect() {
//globalize vars
global $wp_query, $key, $status;

$redirect = get_post_meta($wp_query->post->ID, $key, true);
if(!empty($redirect) && is_singular()) {
//And do the redirect.
wp_redirect($redirect, $status);

Thanks to Nathan Rice for this!

How to use it
Each time you want to create a post that is going to be featured in the content gallery make sure to add “redirect”, without quotes, into the custom field Name. The Value area is where you paste the product URL. This will make sure that when the title of the post of the RSS feed item in the gallery is clicked on it will lead customers to the product details page, not the WordPress post.

For information on gallery slider and the javascript files you will need to get it running, go here