Or trying not to be rude.
I am reading the book Talk to the Hand by Lynne Truss which is about the rudeness rampant in modern life.
She serves up her arguements for a better planet via less rudeness in a book divided into 6 chapters all to do with her Reasons to stay home and bolt the door,chapters 1 through 6.
Although she goes on and on sometimes and mostly with rambling theories of the effects of cellular phones on us all as a society,
she makes a lot of sense.
This book gave me a heads-up about saying excuse me if someone is in your way or has a purse on a seat you want to sit in- instead of (my hopefully former passive aggressive habitual method) staring at them until they get the message.
I’m afraid that it’s true that hooligans in NYC don’t much respect manners.I was a very polite type of person when I moved here from “out West” as a teenager.And now instead of always being the one who steps aside for an oncoming fellow pedestrian,I find myself playing that manhattan-centric game of sidewalk chicken.In which we come as close as we possibly can to knocking each other over if one of us chickens won’t get out of the other’s way.This game can also be played with umberellas, your umbrella spoke putting out an eye wins you much street credit.
I had the “excuse me” beat out of me by almost 20 years spent in NYC.
Saying excuse me was ridiculed by the exact folks Ms.Lynne Truss is now dressing down.
Though they aren’t the sort who’d read her book anyway.
I found her book very entertaining if longwinded.I am longwinded,too, so glass houses.
Ms. Lynee Truss’s most famous book is Eats,Shoots&Leaves.
Author: mccormicky
Many Many Downloads
I haven’t done much else lately besides download opensource files.
So far, I seem to have a 50 50 chance of getting an app to work…I’m using my dad’s site host filemanager to hold all the files and folders of my tests.
I uploaded TinyMCE ,the wysiswyg html editor.I uploaded fkdEditor a bigger editor.
I uploaded a few CMS applications,too.Some CMS’s are flatfiled so no Mysql(ick!)
I even tried out CuteNews–it’s cute alright.
I sigh at myself.I am way too into this web stuff.My boyfriend can’t pry me off the computer, not even with food or sex.
The hours zip by.I sleep badly.
I guess I’m addicted.And very jealous of people who get paid for this.
I did get paid (well the check is in the mail, hello freelancing) for stripping the tables from some code and replacing them with stylesheets& divs.
The site is a guy’s who does that SEO stuff and his pages are covered up by google adsense. I actually told him off for it.Then I saw that’s what he’s into.I felt a little dumb.
I was determined to let the page be liquid but in the long run had to add the absolute positioning technique.
He wanted to see if the divs would be better for robots or spiders.That’s what I think anyway-he never really came out and said so.
So why am I downloading so much stuff?
Because (sigh at myself again) I offered to do up a site for a man who posted an ad on Craigslist, wanting a five page site for his store.I was totally qualified off the bat-hadn’t I just done over stonestreetpress.com?
Which was a much bigger project.More pages, tons of tables, tons of fretting about what my dad would think.
A little joke: I only a couple of days ago got the footer of each page in the right place! I slacked with the footer…positioned the divs wrong-so they were really wonky on some of the deeper pages.
I answered the ad and he wrote back with some links and a link to a site he liked.
I checked out the existant site–the design and layout’s pretty dismal– though the products seem cool.Buddha statues,jewelry, yoga stuff, that kind of thing.
But it has that out of the box look and that dreadful papyrus looking background which to me looks very dated.
But I felt up to making him a prettier and more hip 5 page site …until he mentioned this content management system he has.I knew instantly this mean PHP, possibly Mysql,too.
Mostly php and mysql go hand in hand so you can’t get much else.I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if I just came out and told him I’m a noob with both.I can’t even get my free database to work with wordpress.I told him I didn’t know mysql.I haven’t heard back from him since and considering it took him a week to respond to my response to his ad…we’ll see.
But that was why I was beating my brains out finding content adders or site builders that weren’t mysql’d…There’s actually quite a lot of free stuff using flat file databasing out there.(I got the best results with a google search of flatfile+ database because mysql+ is+ evil didn’t return much that was useful)
Does what it says it will do.
This job of getting a good gallery for my dad’s site hasn’t been easy.
I wanted a lot and I wanted it for free. I’m spoiled like that.
I wanted file uploads. I wanted simple beauty in CSS.
I wanted a super easy user interface. I wanted my script(er, not mine, really)
to work like it could read my mind.I wanted automatic thumbnail generation.
I wanted it all.
I tested out so many scripts/applications/packages-whathaveyou.I did not want to deal with mysqyl.So that cut me into a smaller category. But there were still a lot of gallery packages to choose from in that smaller category…
I tried singapore.
I tried simplephpgallery v.this and that.
I tried minishow whatever it’s called.
Singapore needs mysql or sql but it doesn’t come right out and say so so you waste a bit of time right there.
It wasn’t until I fifnally came across
“MG2 – a FREE and easy to use PHP image gallery script”
visit their site by clicky
ohhh man it is dreamy!
visit the gallery
First: it works, no errors in the scripts.
Second: it is small so it doesn’t use a ton of discspace(but you will once you upload image files to it) so the package won’t eat up tons of room.
Third:you don’t have to do any configuration*!
I mean that is unheard of.
I had an error (I uploaded a badly named img file) so I scurried to the forum and was wondering why there weren’t any folks reporting errors or problems with the installation–??
Because there aren’t any!
This gallery package is awesomely true to it’s word.
Set up in minutes and instantly have a cooler than shit gallery on line.
* note I did actually have to scan all the functions type files for any session_starts.I have to put a session_save_path before any session starts.
But this doesn’t mean you will have to do this,too.It’s my dad’s host, Purehost that has php set up that way.For security I guess.
Oh and also it has a walk you through it installation that starts up automatically.I have never had so much easyness and speed and functionality.
And it’s free!
I know-I already said that.
ice storm in OK!
I used to live in Texas which would be humid and awful in the summer and icy cold in the winter.
I’m sad for the people in the midwest who are without power and heat during an ice storm…but c’mon guys. Just because you aren’t used to weather like this shouldn’t mean your infrastructure collapses like a tree branch covered in ice.
Oh poetic.
I do care. It’s just that I’m 36 years old so when I read comments from the man on the street on CNN.com about how they’ve lived in the area for 50 years and can’t remember it ever being this bad–how is that I can ? I lived there in the 80’s and we had ice storms and they were bad.
Ok, it sounds like they never really did have it that bad, so bad that over 300,000 are without power.I sure don’t remember that ever happening while I was living there.
But I still think there should be some kind of system for disaterous weather handling.
Now I have to call G. my old roommie because she’s from OK. and she’s got loads of pals back home.