Back from vacation

This was my third trip to Israel. A and I didn’t travel around this time, at least not together;I went to Tel Aviv with his mom while he was with his pals in Jerusalem.Our main reason for going was attending another friend’s wedding. Guys seem willing to get married at a younger age in Israel than they do in NYC.

I’ve never had to be so conscientious about packing ever before because I never had to worry about strict weight limits per suitcase. But I knew that I don’t actually like that much of my wardrobe so there was no need to pack every bit of it and my baggage was pretty light.You should have seen the massive trunks and boxes folks want to fly over there with.It must cost as much as another plane ticket.

Home is where Bozzio is. Many places around the world may be very nice indeed but they enforce a no pitbulls can visit/live here law and so we must leave our sweetie pie behind.
We tended to say every 20 minutes how much better the vacation would be if he was with us.Aww.

No wireless internet connection
The network on the kibbutz has a monster firewall and I was told I would not be able to connect via wireless to my host’s internet connection.Not being all that IT capable and my boyfriend’s parents also had no idea I decided to just skip the hassle and just be on vacation during my vacation.

The flight there
They confiscated A’s aftershave, it broke the 3 oz rule.
We slept for 9 hours. When we woke up there was food. I made the mistake of knocking on the bathroom door and angering a woman who was taking a very long time in there.When she came out she snarled at me.I guess it’s really rude to some folks to knock but on a domestic US flight you try spending more than 1 minute in there and folks will start hammering on the doors until you get out.And then they glare at you.This woman glared at me. She was short but very scary.
I forgot a suitcase at the airport.The kibbutz is a 4 hour drive from Tel Aviv(where the airport is).I only remembered it when we got out of the car at A’s parent’s house.

The actual vacation
I have the pictures from the second week but I forgot to take the disc we burned of the 1st week.Also I just bought a mac mini and all my pics are still on my old hard drive.Need to transfer then load em up.
The wedding was nice.What else can you say but that it was nice? It actually was,though.Although I don’t know if it was such a good idea to have 3 different kinds of cocktails before eating any breakfast(which was the wedding reception dinner).

The flight home
It was hell and we are never flying Delta again.But I suppose I should thank Delta for messing up the booking of our flight and keeping us at checkin for 2 hours.This prevented us from shopping the duty free so I had money left over to buy a mac,who hoo.