IE6, the Ugly Truth


I’m working on a new site and things look good from my end but the client keeps seeing this blue that shows up for her on the site. Blue? What blue? There is no blue at all being used. So I thought.

I finally 2 and 2 together and realised she must still be on IE6. I used transparent .pngs to make up the header design and because I have IE7 and FF I wasn’t able to see this blue. Why? Because every other browser in the world can handle transparent alphachannels or whatever it is…Just not old stinkface.

I finally just went ahead and downloaded IE6 and got to see the blue. A dirty dingey blue. It’s truly ugly. My banner image is made up of a transparent png as well and that above is what it looks like in IE6. Another fun thing about running IE6: in it, my left sidebar was dropping down under my content div. Oh yeah. Hire me and I will make your site look as ugly as mine…in IE6.

I fixed the wandering div but the script I used to fix the transparent .png problem for IE6 did nothing.
So it’s back to the drawingboard to make some non transparent images for the meantime.When I have some more time I will try to find a fix. Meaning after I take a shower and walk the dogs I will devote the rest of my day to finding this fix because there is no way I can live without my transparent lovelies.And there is no way I can live with that yucky blue.

And for everyone who has not yet upgraded to IE7, Please Do. You’ll do even better to download FireFox.