What’s Happening this Week

I’ve been forced to be a normal person since Sunday night which means hanging out with real live people and going to bed at a normal hour.I think hanging out with real live folks is harder on the system and therefore when normal bedtime rolls around I am actually tired and ready for sleep.

5 of A.’s BFF’s from his kibbutz are staying with us for 10 days.Luckily they brought an airbed and we bought an airbed so with one really big couch and 2 airbeds they are finding places to sleep just fine.

I had a fight with D. because he insisted I’d told him 2 people were coming for 2 weeks not 5 people for 10 days and he just kept saying “No,No you said 2 people for 2 weeks” and he was all freaky and angry which made me angry so the problem is unresolved. I ask you:why would I say only 2 people were coming? Did I hope he wouldn’t notice? The problem is an old one. Because D. isn’t a very good listener, facts tend to suffer a loss of accuracy.The worst part is that D. and I had this fuss in earshot of our guests.
Now D. is refusing to pay rent.The original deal that A. generously proposed was that he would pay D.’s rent for May but D. said they could split it–now he is saying he won’t. D. has a new amour and spends most nights over at the amour’s house anyway.And when he is home spends all his time in his room with the door closed,guests or no guests. I fail to see how great an inconvenience this can really be for him.But for some reason he’s decided that I lied to him and so that is that. I feel I deserve a little more credit than this since D. and I have known each other for 13 years.
Oh well.

Bozzio is in heaven because now he has more people to love.
Last night a few of our guests and A. and I went out to eat at Mojitos.