Happy Pesach!

Well this is it. My bf said that he and I would cook Passover dinner for about 40 people so I guess we kind of have to make good on that promise today. I procrastinated as long as I could but yesterday I had to finally go to the supermarket and buy all the stuff for this dinner.You’re not supposed to use leavened anything in anything, either. For real religious people you’re not even supposed to have it in the kitchen!

Leaven [LEHV-uhn]

1. An agent, such as yeast, that causes batter or dough to rise, especially by fermentation.
2. An element, influence, or agent that works subtly to lighten, enliven, or modify a whole.

tr.v., -ened, -en·ing, -ens.

1. To add a rising agent to.
2. To cause to rise, especially by fermentation.
3. To pervade with a lightening, enlivening, or modifying influence.

[Middle English, from Old French levain, from Vulgar Latin *levāmen, from Latin levāre, to raise.]
Leavener [LEHV-uhn-er]
Agents that are used to lighten the texture and increase the volume of baked goods such as breads, cakes and cookies. Baking powder, baking soda and yeast are the most common leaveners used today. When mixed with a liquid they form carbon dioxide gas bubbles, which cause a batter or dough to rise during (and sometimes before) the baking process.

A.’s Ma is in town from Israel and thankfully she and her best friend are also cooking up a storm so A. and I don’t have to cook that much. Just 2 roast ducks,16 pounds of grilled chicken breast,10 pounds of mashed potatoes,5 pounds of rice and a cartload of green beans,which I am going to try to liven up with red and green peppers and toasted pecans. Mom and her friend B. will be providing a leg of lamb and a brisket and 2 pots of soup:vegetarian and chicken, both with matzoh balls.
A. was going to make bourekis and I was going to bake 3 pies but Mom vetoed them for the sake of tradition (leavened flour in the pastry).

It’s 9am now, our kitchen is going to be a madhouse in about 45 minutes when A. get’s in there. I know he is going to use every single pot and pan, along with every single bowl and dish… So I’m enjoying this peace and quiet for as long as it lasts, writing this post and listening to the birds chirp on this cool and cloudy Sunday morning.