Pass the Test, Get the Job

It’s a good idea to know how tables work even if you never use them in a practical sense.
My tables resource is 456Bereastreet.
I never use them…Ok I did a few times last year but not for a layout or anything.

I was called into a recruiter’s office to test for a job that I totally could have done but was not given because I failed the HTML 4.0 test. That and perhaps also because after the interview I saw I was wearing my top backward. Which is supposed to be good luck. So it was probably because of the lousy 48% I got on the test. The test asked me loads of questions about tables and frames and I got all the frame questions wrong and only half of the tables questions right, making me look rather like a bag of hot air. In the questions and answers part of the interview I’d been asked about my web design experience and they seemed impressed that I’d built single handedly over 14 websites in the past 2 years. But in the end it came down to the test and my score–the only real evidence they had to go on (in their minds) that I was at all capable of doing the job.

Which is why I have tried to refresh my tables-making know-how.Though my heart is not in it and I may never have to use it on the job I don’t want to look so foolish again,the next time.if there ever is a next time.