Yay(I’m getting paid)

I’m actually going to get paid for my latest web design job! Ok, I have gotten paid for other jobs,don’t worry. It’s just that it wasn’t that much. If you go to the portfolio section of mccormicky.comyou’ll see a list and thumbnails of the sites I have totally handed off(with the exception of the simran/timeless/lineska site which seems to never want to get done)
I am designing a few sites for free,too.

My last and sort of current client posted an ad stating webdesign would be paid for with “store credit”. I needed portfolio bolstering but I really hated this idea…I would have to had to go into to the city to take advantage of the deal and the products were spoilable, i.e: food and drink,
not something that I could place much value on.The other thing was the bar environment put me off.I’m glad to say my days of sitting on a barstool are over.And I do not like Midtown where the lounge is located.

So I ventured the idea that they could pay me money instead.They were so happy with the site and the gallery I set up for photos of their parties & their regulars(with comments and photo hits and an admin section,thanks Phormer!) that they said yes right away.They doubled what I timidly asked for.I was quite shocked. I’d figured they were going to balk at the idea of paying me I never dreamed they’d actually be so pleased they’d cut me a check.

The gallery is what sold them,I’m sure.I talk almost daily with the bar manager (who keeps breaking the gallery by uploading pics that are too big 🙁 ), and he is a huge fan of myspace.So he got the comment idea right away.The cool thing about Phormer is not only can you comment a photo but the comments can be replied to by the administrator.So each pic can have it’s own threaded discussion! It’s a very cool thing, this Phormer gallery.

I am starting to think this whole freelancer thing might just work.