Everyone is getting married

Shai’s Mom
Last night my boyfriend and I and his 2 youngest brothers went to a wedding of a friend of their’s from their kibbutz. This is the 3rd wedding I have attended in one year.

For the occasion I wore a very nice eci tie front jacket and a very low cut camisol and black wide legged pants with ballet flats and a chunky coral color necklace.

I was going to wear a dress but I didn’t have the $$$ for a real cocktail dress and shoes.In which I’d feel like a dog in a tutu,anyway.

The decollete of my outfit was very distracting to me. The camisol was smocked tightly under the bosom so no bra was needed. Still, I felt the need to run to the bathroom every once in a while to adjust. Maybe I overestimated the power of the braless camisol?

The space was lovely but with too many people crowded in. A classic clusterfuck. At one point early on I ran for the least populated spot next to the musicians. Adam thought I was being a huge freak. But it felt like being in a subway car during rush hour only with drinks and a million servers with trays of caterer tidbits bumping into you. I do not like being in a crowded space. It goes further than not liking it when everyone else is a stranger-it approaches phobic proportions.

Our table was all the way in the back bang next to an air conditioner going full blast. Around us were about 10 other tables each seating 10 to 12 people and making it almost impossible to leave the table once we were seated. The servers weren’t allowed to fetch drinks for you from the bar so basically you sat there trapped and drinkless.

The groom was a friend of my boyfriend. He stopped keeping in touch with Adam almost 2 years ago. Adam would call and he wouldn’t call back. Adam said he was the kind of person who once he gets into a relationship, drops from the face of the earth,never to be seen or heard from again (until they get married and need friends to fill up their side of the wedding rental space).

I feel like I am being too negative. The actual service was very nice and the bride looked very pretty and obviously a lot of time and $$$ and thought had gone into planning and executing this wedding. The groom’s mom came all the way from Israel, looked fabulous and danced for every song.

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