Primitive Flash Slideshow

I learned a bit about ming and php and was able to make that really primitive slideshow you see below with what I learned.

I didn’t know php could create swfs on the fly but after a couple days of wondering if I should just go buy the software, I stumbled upon a script that creates swfs from php.

And even though it isn’t nearly as cool as the one from [url=][/url] it is free, whereas he wants $45 bucks a pop or $550 for an unlimited license for his slideshow.

So while I am still working for free to develop my portfolio it’s cost effective to create free swfs and try to make them look better with php than to buy the stuff that makes them look cool.

Revision: I had that movie loaded as a test of how one could embed flash from another domain,using a dumb little movie I threw together with Ming.But I forgot: the swf was loaded onto a folder of another site and I deleted it! Retarded! I know,sorry.So I put in this other thing by Jeroen.However, it isn’t going to load because of the flashvars set in the movie swf.So the loading gif will twirl forever.

One thought on “Primitive Flash Slideshow”

  1. I am not putting that test flash thing in because it’s a waste of time to load a flash movie that won’t show up.

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