Happy Roshoshanna!

I hope I spelled it right, because that’s a phonetic stab in the dark. I am using a new FireFox profile and I lost my Google Toolbar with SpellCheck-so I have to guess.

Anyway, I have been really, really busy. No less than 5 projects and 2 total site redesigns going on at once. But I shouldn’t seem like I am complaining -my freelance business allowed me to pay for my ticket to Israel next month. I will be gone for 11 days. No matter what, a ticket to Israel will cost an arm and a leg – thanks to my clients!

We have a new houseguest and while I mean to be a gracious host I really just need as much time as I can for work. They might think I am a total nut because I worked the past 72 hours with very little sleep. They are asleep in my office (the livingroom) as I type this!

I am feeling pressure to finish some projects before the weekend, hence the no sleeping.

It is has caught up with me and now I am a zombie. I really have to call it a night. It’s almost 4 am- to go to bed now for me is considered early. I know, it’s sick. ..