WordPress Theme Viewer Madness!

I was on the phone with my pal, Sheru Arora who was telling me about a theme he liked so we clicked dashboard>>presentation>>get more themes and then navigated to the Theme Viewer and found the theme he liked. Ahhha. We decided I would to try to incorporate & blend some of it’s style (fonts, white content div , white background) and the style for the left& right side bar links in Askmen.com (black background,silvery font color) but keep the title background images red…

I may even move the navbar above the header… At least I am getting paid for this!

After I got off the phone with Sheru,I went about preparing myself for yet another theme overhaul (ate a cookie ) thus mentally prepared, I went back to the Theme Viewer to download it so I could test it out. Well, WP has done something fancy to the site and I can’t find nothing no more.

Doing a Google search for the name of the theme I found tons of people using the theme but had to look hard to find the guy who made the theme. Clicking the link to the theme in the actual theme viewer returned a file not found error.Clicking a link that Google turned up did the same.

Anyone else had problems like this in the last few hours? Because 2 hours ago the Theme Viewer looked plain but worked. Now it looks fancy and doesn’t work.
