I know everyone loves it when I discuss my lady parts.

Once again the hormones did what ever they wanted to do and caused a ruckus. Most of the month I am your average semi functioning passive aggressive. But 2 or 3 hours before the (euphemism) I become just plain aggressive. Even hostile. Lending weight to that old saw that a woman can’t become president because she’ll get her period and nuke some innocent country. Like thats so much worse than destroying a nation so we can have more cheap oil. And how well that has worked with gas costing over 3 bucks a gallon. Oh right, that’s because a hurricane destroyed some oil rigs. And it’s definitely not because Haliburton is going to make money hand over fist whatever way the cookie crumbles.

Mens, thank your stars Hilary is menopausal.
I am joking in case you didn’t know.
So my little hegemony was rattled because no one bought toilet paper for one whole day.
I am 36 years old. I have not had to live like a college student with milk crates for furniture and paper towels,napkins or tissue paper for toilet paper since I was 21. Part of being a grown up is buying the T.P. before it runs out.
If you can’t manage to do that- then as the person to use the last sheet of toilet paper you are responsible for going out and buying some more. If you fail at this small task either because you plain don’t give a crap or you just don’t notice or you are too much of a sensitive artist to be bothered with such petty details, then you are an asshole.
I live with 3 guys (not what you think) all of them are rather challenged when it comes to domestic affairs. I’ve long since given up on hoping they will clean. But I will fight them to the death on the toilet paper buying and replacing issue.
Normally I grumble under my breath and stomp about. That’s my passive aggressive mode and where I live for 3 weeks each month. But today I bitched about it until my boyfriend threw dishes.
I admit that shut me up.
Speaking of passive aggressiveness there is a site called passiveaggressivenotes.com. I am going to submit my note that I taped to the bathroom door.