Great Success!

I met up with my father last night to talk about his site and etc but I was so happy to see how fabulous he is looking these days. What a difference a summer in the garden can make. He gave me some tomato and basil from the garden-and they were delicious.

We made serious headway with plans for the site,too. He showed me the printouts of the site so we could talk about content and I was happy to see the site prints very well.

We agreed that Georgia was a fine font and we agreed to get rid of all the strange punctuation. In my defense I copied and pasted the content from the old site into the new one and perhaps, like the game of telephone, things became even more confused during this process. All sites should have correct spelling and grammar and punctuation but literary sites especially have to watch this area.

I feel bad that my dad has felt like he had egg on his face all this time because of the awkward punctuation. I always meant to do as he asked but always got side tracked by some design issue.

So I have officially nabbed him as editor! And he should be good at it because he did it for a magazine for many years.

The biggest achievement was the both of us agreeing that he needs to switch hosts. Switching hosts will save him over 140 dollars a year and greatly improve our options for expanding the site. All in all it was a very good meeting.

The tomatoes and basil went right into the pasta sauce for my dinner. Yum.