When I was checking the file I noticed a few minor mistakes and un-needed HTML. I also wanted to show an example image from my shop which is installed on this website but is not in production,yet. The example image shows that I have inserted 3 product categories into a WordPress Page. This is not the default WPSC Products_Page but a new page I made just for this purpose. The products are displayed as if I had Grid View even though I deleted my Gold Cart files when I last upgraded to wpsc version 3.6.12 and never had Grid View installed on this server.
Changes to version 5 of my homepage_products_functions.php:
Removed div.goddamn
Replaced class=”product_image” with class=”center”
Removed div.clear
Removed a division id that would render pages invalid
Download the changed file here
[download id=”3″]
/* Adjust for your product images w+h & if using variations and want them visible in the product box*/
.homepage_products .category_view_product{position:relative;width:200px;height:205px;float:left;margin:8px 3px; text-align:center;}
/* styles the product title I’ve left it blank*/
.homepage_products a.wpsc_product_title{}
/* centers the product thumbnail image*/
.homepage_products .center{padding:4px;text-align:center;margin:0 auto;display:block}
/*styles the product price-I’ve left this blank*/
In case anybody cares I am not providing this file as a way to rob the plugin authors. The changes I have made to the file do not give you anything but a product thumbnail image that links to the single product page instead of to a thickbox pop up image. Buying the Gold Cart allows you to have more payment gateways,multiple product images and other great stuff.
The rest is all simple CSS and not using “full display” when inserting a wpsc category id into a Page or Post.
I myself have purchased the Gold Cart and have encouraged all my clients to purchase it as well. I fully support the WP-Ecommerce plugin authors. I began working on this file as a way to perfect SEO for shopping cart pages because being able to use one’s own WordPress Pages along with the venerable All In One SEO Pack plugin vastly improved the SEO for my client’s carts. Not to mention the fact that if they have Grid View they ought to be able to have Grid View site-wide not just on the plugin’s pages.
hi, i’ve download & replace the .php page and added the css but still i cant get the grid display. what should i do next?
My homepage_products_functions.php does not transform all your shop’s pages to Grid View. What it does do is give Grid View to Pages or Posts in which you have inserted a category shortcode like this [wpsc_category=23]. The Visual Editor mode of the wordpress page/post editor will also insert a category for you.If you use that insertion method you must first un tick the “full display” option.
But if you want Grid View all over what I would do if you are just starting out a new shop is not use the shop pages at all and only the pages you created to show your product categories.This is perfectly safe to do–your store will still perform the same.Then I would download the flexi-pages plugin to show the shop navigation in your sidebar and allow the main navigation to only show your shop’s start page.You should also download the all in one seo pack plugin so you can have unique page titles and meta descriptions for your own shop pages. Just don’t fill in the all in one seo options for the main shop page or this will overtake all the sub/child page titles and descriptions.
dear mccormicky, thanks for the details explaination plus the info about flexi-pages and the seo plugin. thanks for the support 🙂
You’re welcome and good luck with your online shop!