Is Too Plain?

Please leave a comment if you think ok as is or too damn plain.

Reasons for Remaining Plain:
I want people to read my articles without being too distracted so I have kept a “plain” look for a long time ( I prefer to think of it as subtly simple rather than just plain plain). I generally dislike clutter. If I could control clutter in my home I would. But I can’t toss out my housemate’s stuff…

Reasons for Being More Ornate:
My website should reflect what I can do as a designer. Thinking people will look at my portfolio and judge based on that work after the 1st impression of my site –well, this might be faulty logic.

What do you think?

2 thoughts on “Is Too Plain?”

  1. As you know, I recently wrestled with this issue on my own site. Although much of the feedback I received (such as your generous comment) about the new “extremely minimalist” design were very positive and supportive, there were several folks who felt that the design was “too plain”. After thinking about it for a few days, I decided to switch back to the more coloful theme for several reasons, including the one you mention in your post. I think with the new nano-second attention span of visitors today, you have to hit them over the head with your best hammer in order to leave an impression. You can always provide alternate themes for the more attentive, “tuned-in” crowd who are able to appreciate the subtle details of a more laid-back approach. That’s my 2 cents, anyway — I personally find your site very relaxing and inviting, and look forward to opportunities to spend time reading your content. Redesign if you feel the urge — otherwise, let it ride and enjoy the simplicity.

  2. Hi Jeff! Your post and the ensuing comments got me thinking -Thanks for the inspiration and for your comment.
    We have to remain competitive in this new strained economy. So a spectacular looking website might be the way to go. I won’t go too overboard but I definitely will be showing something new soon.

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