WP Post Revisions&WP-Ecommerce

wpsc, an abbreviation of wp-shoppingcart, a plugin for WordPress.
Post Revisions Buggy-ness & WP-Shoppingcart plugin
Most people get nervous when it comes to mySQL database tables.So I was glad to find a way to fix this bug without having to use phpmyadmin.

After I upgraded to WP 2.6 and upgraded the wpsc cart plugin to version 3.6.8 I noticed that revision-71 was being inserted into my single product urls. 71 being the id of the edited page.
This bug also happened with WP 2.6 and wp-shoppingcart 3.6.7.It only happened to pages containing wpsc short code:
[shoppingcart ] [productspage ] [tranactionresults ] [userlog ]

I did some forum searching and found this plugin by Jeremy Clark.
Re creating the bug was easy enough to do. All I had to do was deactivate the disable posts revisions plugin and edit a wpsc page. Voila: revision-pageid reappeared in the single product urls all over again.

** Note**
I’m actually using this plugin: Disable Revisions and Autosave
Link: http://exper.3drecursions.com/2008/07/25/disable-revisions-and-autosave-plugin/
Description: Disable the Revisions and Autosave functions. Original idea and code by Lester Chan and Untwisted Vortex. But Jeremy’s does the same thing. Use either one.

I re activated the plugin and deleted the product listing page. I created a new page, pasting the productspage shortcode into it. Then I checked the Admin in Settings and noticed that not only the product listing page link was messed up-the Verify Your Order link was also messed up, because I had edited that page as well after I deactivated the disable post revisions plugin.

Fixing stuff
Get this plugin
Test for whether or not you can just activate this plugin to get rid of the bug without having to delete the page containing some shortcode.If this fixes the bug you don’t need to delete pages.
If the problem still exists delete the page,copy the short code into the new one and publish it.
Check Admin in Settings in Ecommerce to see if your page urls are correct.
If they contain revision-pageid, correct the url and hit Update Page Urls.
Reload the Admin page in Settings>Ecommerce to make sure the corrected link(s) “stick”.
To make absolutely sure this is fixed go back and edit a page containing wpsc short code (just hit save).Then view the page and see if the single product links work.

Nextgen Gallery and WP-Ecommerce

Just the slightest bit wonky when used together in one WordPress installation

I have 1 website freshly updated to WordPress 2.6 and only using the latest version of nextGen.
I have 2 other websites, both using 2.5.1 and the latest stable versions of WP-Ecommerce and nextGen.

In the first website with just nextGen the pop up window displays the full size link under the image which you can see in example 1.
In the sites where both plugins coincide nextGen detects that WP-Ecommerce is installed and links to it’s version of jquery and no full size link is displayed. Also the pop up is different – it shows a vertical row of thumbs down the side of the window alongside the main image.This is nice but wonky because sometimes the vertical row of thumbs don’t display as thumbs but as little dots.Which you can see in example 2.To tell you the truth I’m kind of liking just seeing one large image pop up at a time. Now I think the vertical row is overkill because a page of thumbs is already being displayed on the page itself, making the pop up row redundant. Just my opinion. I saw the same kind of design when I activated wordtube, another plugin from Alex Rabe meant to be a media center for WordPress.You can use it to display images and videos in a playlist. I’d tried using it just for photographs but found once again it seemed like overkill. But if you have a lot of videos I could see it’s appeal.

One good thing is I learned how to use custom fields to control each individual gallery or slideshow.
This is essential because you might want a slideshow to display first on one page but have a row of thumbs show first on another gallery page. And if you do have a few slideshows you can use custom fields to control how they look independent of each other no matter what settings you configured in the Gallery options such as:transition effects(blocks,lines or fluids),size of the slideshow,colors of the rollover,timing,etc.
The second nice thing was finding an explanation of the Imagebrowser option for nextGen.
Place this in the page or post [ imagebrowser=6 ] “6” being the id of the gallery you want to show,and you will get this

I could try deleting the jquery that WP-E-Commerce uses and loading nextGen’s in it’s place and seeing how that works…But to tell you the truth being able to at least control the nextGen galleries is work enough for one day.

Wp Auto Upgrade, not good for big plugins.

I am so glad that wp 2.5.1 has the ability to automatically upgrade plugins because it saves a lot of time and is very neat and tidy. Unfortunately, some of the bigger plugins like cforms or wp-shopping cart tend to mess up if auto-upgraded.

By bigger and big I mean complicated, multi folder/directory plugins with lots of data and whathaveyou.
With the WP-Shopping cart the auto upgrade ended up costing me a day’s labor.
I lost all my product page thumbnail images. How? I don’t know since the uploaded images for products aren’t in the Plugin folder but in the Uploads folder. Therefore they couldn’t have gotten over written. But the linkage to them was messed up.
Although, given the history of wonkiness this plugin has had this might have happened anyway even if I had uploaded the latest version manually…

Mainly, the largest problem for the auto upgrader is this plugin comes in an extra folder “wp-ecommerce”. The folder you want uploaded is “wp-shopping-cart”. WP’s plugin auto upgrader can’t read the readme.txt which of course says do not upload the wp-ecommerce folder, just the wp-shopping-cart folder. So after an auto upgrade the E-Commerce tab in your admin dashboard is there but your products and the shopping cart,widgets and all are not on your site. Your purchase log is gone and there are permalinks leading places that seem not to exist.Before you freak out and lose your cool, don’t get too scared: everything is still in your database.But you will probably have to redo all your product images.The latest version is so much better so don’t let this stop you from upgrading.

Things new to the latest version are:
A Latest Products widget which shows product thumbnails in your sidebar and is invaluable.

I never thought they’d give us permalinks, did you? Now the plugin is miles closer to SEO. If only there weren’t a tables layout and a load of < br > s that aren’t closed…
The ability to edit the Category link which shows in the sidebar to whatever you want it to say.The Categories list is no longer called Categories but “Product Groups” and so the widget is no longer called “Products and Brands” but Product Groups. This is one of the better improvements. I can well put up with a days work to have a better functioning free shopping cart,can’t you?

Fixing product images:

You may not have this problem but I did: Product thumbnails not getting displayed in the product pages or in the Latest Product widget.
I found that uploading a seperate thumbnail when editing a product solved the issue of the missing pic in the products page but I had to view the source of the sidebar widget to see why my thumbs weren’t being displayed there. It was just a matter of uploading a new thumb via FTP to the uploads/wpsc/thumbnail folder with the same name as was described in the link in the source…
I haven’t got a clue as to why the newest version of this amazing plugin does this with product images. The good news is that it is fixable.
With cforms from deliciousdays I lost my forms because the upgrade didn’t actually upgrade. I’m not sure what it did but the results were I had to do it myself and then redo my forms. Now I am wiser and have backed up my forms. Most likely what happened was some kind of time out during the FTP process that caused things to go awry.

Any time one upgrades one should take care to save a copy of the old version if they have made any code edits. Oftentimes it’s hard to keep track especially if you run a lot of plugins.The auto upgrade function can’t save your carefully thought out edits. But then, if you are the kind of WordPress user that makes carefully thought out code edits you don’t need me to tell you this as you are very clever and need no hand-holding and are probably writing a plugin as I write this..

Conflict with Next Gen Gallery and WP-shopping Cart

When I was setting up my friend’s new site I installed Next Gen Gallery.
Then she needed to be able to sell stuff so I installed WP Shopping Cart.
Then the madness began!
Thumbnails were doing cartwheels and somersaults or not opening at all.Or double images were appearing for each thumbnail.Was it a Poltergeist? A Gremlin? Nope: just 2 copies of scripts doing things together and doubling up everything! Not good.

Why was this happening?

Both plugins use thickbox.js,thickbox.css and lightbox.css.You only need one copy of each installed or you will experience odd performances of the lightbox window when clicking on a thumbnail image either on your shop or gallery pages.

My solution is probably not the best but it worked.
I went to wp-content/plugins and opened the wp-shoppingcart folder.I found thickbox js and css and also lightbox.css and just erased the code from all files,leaving the blank file in the folder.
I thought about deleting these files but then I decided to be on the relatively safe side I’d just leave them but empty.
I should say that separately both plugins work fine,at least when it comes to using the lightbox window).
Problem Resolved.
I should state just for the sake of the easily befuddled that if you do not have both plugins but are still experiencing trouble this solution will not work for you.This is just for trouble had when BOTH plugins are installed into one WP installation!