Don’t be like me.

If you’re like me you get distracted during your project and waste time when, if you could just finish those last few tasks,the job would be done. This doesn’t happen for my paid jobs-I guess getting paid is impetus enough for finishing on schedule. This happens during my “pet” projects and I have 4 going on simultaneously.

One is switching a beast of a site I made for a friend into a WordPress powered site. Ahhh, the loveliness of it all. But the beast is large and involves not only the transference of much content but also designing the theme. I am designing as I go. I am even bravely considering releasing it to the general public. Gasp. But that is pet project number 4.
Number 2 is my other friend’s art site and without project number 1, project number 2 would be even slower getting done (because they are both sites for displaying artwork, the theme works for both).

Number 3 is figuring out all the mistakes I made when I switched my old site and blog to WP.They are numerous. Number 3 scares me.
So now I have to go over each project and tell my self that if I did A, B and C, it would be done.
If you are your own boss you have to actually be the boss of yourself. And you must learn how manage your own time productively. No one is going to tell you that perhaps you might want to finish editing the painting pictures and load them to the server before you spend a half hour looking for a bigger TV on Craigslist. Or looking at clothes, perfume and or shoes Web sites…a big waste of time for me, I’m afraid.

The thing you must also remember is that too much time on the computer isn’t so good. You tell yourself that you are working like a dog and should get some pats on the head for your diligence. Well,you should. But you also need to take care of yourself. You need to go outside. Run errands. Be with people. Do something fun.

You are your own boss and no one can work you to the bone like you can. But you can give yourself some free time. And after 8 hours straight working on 4 projects you won’t be all that productive,anyway. This doesn’t mean you can now go look for shoes online. This means step away from the computer and be a human being for a few hours!

Focus! Focus!

I’m not supposed to be working on my own pages. I’m supposed to be working on my friend’s new art site. I took a bunch of photos of her paintings and cropped them in my photo editor and loaded them to her server but when it comes to actually doing anything with them I let my mind wander.

I admit that I have been at the computer too long.I need a break a shower and a walk outside.If you see me back here tonight yell at me and stage an intervention.I have an excuse-my roommate is here with the baseball-snapping his gum and driving me crazy!

Pre-Prepare Site Navigation

Recently I had a revelation: the navigation framework for a new web site should be put in place first,before you begin to load content to the site,before you design the site,even.

I was mostly used to working with a site already created,using the already in place page titles to name the new pages.If they had a page named About I made a new page called About for the new pages.Simple.

But I ran into a problem while designing the Jason Van Hoose site.
A built-from-scratch site, it required many pages, ideally linked dynamically.

(if you care I’ll explain later why I didn’t use an include for this)

I found a great XML script that built a navbar and loaded into a div with the correct id. I worked with the css provided with the script to blend it with the colors of the new site.And everything looked and worked great.So I thought. I asked a friend using a mac and Firefox to test out the site.

She gave really great feedback, demonstrating in a video the disaster of functionality the navbar was. A dropdown on hover navbar,the dropdown didn’t stay dropped down long enough to click on the links. For my machine, my roommate’s machine(both pc’s) and my other roommate’s machine(a mac) it worked just fine. But for my friend it did not. I was tempted to say well, she must have an old browser,machine,etc, &others visiting the site,say,80% of the visitors will be able to use the navigation.

I was tempted but I couldn’t do it. Cutting out even 2 % of potential visitors is a bad idea. Ideally anyone visiting your site can use every feature regardless of what browser/machine combo they use.With something as important as navigation you really can’t experiment too much.

And so why didn’t I just use a php include? So easy,so great,you update one file and whammo,the whole site is updated. Well, it’s a long story.Each painting’s page was made up of an index.php file,a file and a popup.php file.There was a folder for images with 2 folders inside that for thumbs and larger images.There were text files,also, with the same name as the jpg images,they popped up along with the larger image to describe the photo.The creator meant this package to be used for an entire site.The thumbs themselves would be the navigation. My client wanted each painting to be displayed alone with 3 to 5 thumbs with different views of the painting.So, I loaded the sets of files for as many times as I needed them for each different painting to it’s own folder. How I didn’t get overwhelmed with the organizational nightmare of uploading,naming and sorting of that many pictures,I don’t know.

I spent some time trying to work with the exsisting template to get an include to work.You all know that php won’t work as php in an html file.You have to add a directive to your .htaccess file to get that to happen. But I was too new to this to get that working. My client was following my progress and expecting a finished site in a short amount of time. I felt it wasn’t fair to make him wait for me to grasp a new concept in order for his site to be finished.

I am intending to learn how to make an html page use php includes,though!

Long story short, I ended up using javascript breadcrumbs ,sort of, to set up next and previous links on each page.

Then I read that next and previous names for links are bad. You should title a link with the name of the page. However, I felt that since this was essentially a big portfolio album kind of site meant soley to display photographs of paintings, that next and previous was sufficient. I’d seen it used countless times for other albums.It seems perfectly reasonable and intuitive for any visitor to figure out. Clicking “next” takes you to the next picture,clicking previous takes you back to the previous picture. Clicking a next link to get to a different kind of page like an “about us” page, not such a good idea.

Author’s note:

I used a free script from somewhere that is no longer supported at all so my letters of help were never answered by the writer of the code.

This is not unusual and it didn’t stop me from fixing various problems myself.Thank god for coders forums.

Needless to say I will never begin a new project based around this application because it was written in such a way a lay person couldn’t have a chance in hell of customizing it.

Moving Day III

I moved my 3 sites to one host and transferred my domain name to it.
I did it right because now when I type in my new site pops up.
The joy is complete. Only one ftp address! It’s like getting rid of all those extra keys you’ve got on your keychain from all your old jobs &residences.My BF still has keys on his chain from when he lived in Israel. I like to get rid of stuff and consolidate.I have 3 keys and one ftp address and I am happy.
My new site is under construction.I think my portfolio pages need a lot of work.How can I expect folks to pay me to make websites if my portfolio pages look …bad?