Moving day part 2

I finally grasped and completed the process of a domain name transfer from one registrar to another.I have a domain and I want to keep it because it was my nickname and it was the only nickname I ever had that I actually liked.

I owe Lycos an apology for thinking they’d be an obstacle to the transfer.But that isn’t to say that they make it easy because they kind of don’t.
Continue reading Moving day part 2

Clean is a lifestyle choice.

This is my kitchen as it looked tonight after I cooked dinner.(Ravioli with homemade pesto sauce)
I have been cooking since I was 11 and I was taught to clean as I went because someone was going to have to clean up after you and the idea was you should make it easier on them.
I was raised with quite a lot of kids and there were always tons of dishes to wash without adding a total kitchen disaster to the job.
My boyfriend was also raised with quite a lot of kids,too,on a kibbutz. Unfortunately, they had another system. One did their job. If your job entailed cooking the meal and someone else’s to tidy up after the meal, you didn’t worry too much about how you left the kitchen. If you made a huge mess in the cafeteria kitchen(the majority of kibbutz’s ate communal style, hence the cafeteria)there were about 10 folks assigned to kitchen duty and they could handle the mess.Also the industrial dish washing set up didn’t hurt.
Anyway, he did work as a cook in the kitchen but was never taught my Quakerish ideals.Now when he cooks the kitchen is destroyed and that’s just after a meal for him and me!
And even when he cooks his dreaded Sunday shakshuka(I don’t know how to spell it) breakfast,for himself because I won’t touch it, the destruction is total.
He’s gotten a bit better, he’ll wash the frying pan. But he will not wash the cutting board or knives or other pots and pans let alone his own plates and silverware.Or mine.
I’ve come to hate living like a dirty bum. I guess it’s age but a dirty kitchen and bathroom gross me out and depress me. No one else I live with has once cleaned the toilet. We’ve lived in this space for about 2 years. Can you believe that? Am I a doormat or what? I can’t let things get so bad that it has to be cleaned.But that is what has to happen in order for my roommates to clean. It’s a problem when there are differing “filth thresholds”.


I rescued some important files for this blog last night and it’s a good thing I did because I think my host erased my account today!

I haven’t had to do a whole site transfer before and today I transferred 2 sites. It taught me not to put in the whole url of an image or a file;just put in the path.Because even though most folks won’t switch hosts and change domain names while you’re working on a site it can happen.

Learn from my mistake:
Save yourself the tedious job of fixing all the urls. I get a big old duh,right?

Some New Changes

Hopefully soon All of my various pages will be under one roof and hosted by one host.
I have had to leave my “temp” host.I was asked to do so after asking him to set up a friend with a paid account.He said he didn’t want any more clients and that I should pack up my files and find hosting elsewhere,too.

Luckily for me he did have the name of a very good host and I went and signed up with them.That was the easy part.I have a dud site located on the angelfire network.I don’t really care about this site
at all.

I just want the domain name I registered with them.I’ve always taken any bad press with a grain of salt but a little googling did turn up some other folks who’d had a problem transferring their domains from lycos(angelfire is lycos). I am officially registered with Melbourne IT but they aren’t much help,either.I filled out a form is all I know.

I have to change the nameservers to my new hosts’.Bleh.So techy.
Then when that is all done I have to redirect everyone from those other sites to my one site.Bleh again as I am not sharp on the webmaster side of things.And this was what my former host meant when he said it would be a good learning experience for me.
I admit I was lazy before when I had the chance to learn about all this when my old host set me up.I was supposed to point my old angelfire address to the address he made for me but I didn’t.
I may end up having to reregister with Pow Web but they charge 15 dollars and I still have about 5 months left on my old domain…I think.