Crappy Day

I had a crappy day today.
One: I took a nap@1pm. I am a terrible napper. I don’t set an alarm and so naps turn into all out sleep. I can sleep for days if no one wakes me. I am like a bear hibernating.
My nap that didn’t end took me out of the running for the day’s most productive person.
And I missed Bozzio’s afternoon walk.Never mind that I got up at 8:30 am to walk him(a super human feat of will) and was out with him until 10:30. Never mind that I also hauled my boyfriend’s and my collective 30+ pounds of laundry to the drop off as well as walking the dog.

No! I am still the bad person. Because Adam came home around 5pm and found me still sleeping.
The shame. The horror. He was so mad at me that he didn’t talk to me for the rest of the time he was here. He is doing a petsit in the city that requires him to stay overnight. So that stunk.
I got mad,too. Like, I do all this stuff around the house:shopping cooking and cleaning and doing my work and walking the dog.

Sometimes I work all night and don’t sleep at all. Sometimes I reverse sleep. I sleep during the day like any other night worker does. So why am I always feeling guilty? Don’t I support myself? Don’t I carry my own weight? It would be one thing if A. supported both of us only to come home and see his no good girlfriend asleep and the dog unwalked.

I agree that one must have some structure in one’s life which work supplies. I don’t really live by any routine but I do like the work that I do so I do it. A lot. And I skimp on sleep grabbing my “naps”. Today I managed a gargantuan 6 hours of sleep.
Ugh.Why must we sleep at all? Don’t they have a pill yet to let us only sleep a few hours a day without health problems ?I love to sleep but it’s so hard for me to just stop everything and shut my eyes. I am the daughter of 2 nightowls. Neither my mother or father want to sleep when they are supposed to,either.
So A went on back into the city and I tried to get into updating some Web sites but I just felt cranky and surly. So I had a big old glass of Bloody Mary.I hope tomorrow is better.
By the way: dropping off laundry is so much better than doing it yourself! Phew.we’re good for another week and a half.


Brooklyn Atlantic Mall, 2:30 pm August 13th

A pretty good mall with Target and Daffy’s,The Body Shop and DSW. The usual. And Starbucks of course.

I decided to drop in Victoria’s Secret, home of the bra that has wrecked bra fashion: the already shaped like a boob bra. I may be one of the only women alive who does not like the already shaped like a boob bra. They do not hold my boobs. I end up tugging up my bra all day long trying to keep things under control. I need underwire and lots of it. I cannot use 2 pieces of foam rubber connected by a piece of string, it just doesn’t work for me.I am forced to buy Bali bras. They are matronly to say the least. No amount of black lace can make up for it.

While it had been almost a year since I last visited VS, things looked pretty much the same. The perfume and soap and pajamas and makeup are front and center. A largish part of the store is devoted to this overpriced and suspect quality crap. Bras and underwear are situated beyond these irrelevancies.

The sales people descend upon you as soon as you enter but magically disappear the minute you actually need help. This is standard sales person behavior not limited to VS salespeople.

Who knows they are going to need help the second they walk in a store? I haven’t had time to even see what’s there yet.

I found 2 acceptably styled black lace bras. Not a foam rubber boob shape in sight. The sign clearly stated buy 2 for 25 dollars. When I got to the register it turned out the that the 2 identical looking black bras were actually 2 different bras with 2 different prices and not included in the sale even though they were directly under the sign. At this moment the sales people vanished. The manager was nowhere to be found and a long line had formed in front of the register with only one person at the desk. No one manning the section I got the bras from. I saw a few people industriously folding garishly striped boy shorts in Pink but it seemed to me that it was useless to ask for help outside their territory.

I left without buying a single thing.

You saw that coming didn’t you?

Victoria’s Secret gets a D- once again.

More local developments

Last night I told you about the warehouse up the street from me that dumped a ton of stuff out on the sidewalk that people had torn through it spreading it out over 25 feet of sidewalk.
Today while giving Bozzio his morning walk I passed by the same spot and saw that it was all cleared away, like it nothing happened.

I asked Lily, my friend who lives in a parking lot up the block, what was up with the warehouse-dump. She knows everything that goes on in our little bit of ghetto neighborhood (which in gentrifying Brooklyn is shrinking fast). She asked me what I needed. I told her I didn’t need anything but was just curious about it. Then she asked me for money for a 10 dollar phone card and helped me walk Bozzio.

I give her a few dollars here and there. She has 2 Pits herself and makes a big fuss over Bozzio whenever she sees us. I give her money because I can and I hope it trickles down to the dogs.
The other development is that about a week ago on the same block, 2 men appeared and began to empty out a tarp-covered lot full of furniture, knick-knacks,dishes,pots and pans,books and boxes onto the sidewalk and began a little business selling it all to passersby.


I bought a vase, a plaster buddha, and a drop leaf table and a wood carving of Krishna from India all for about 40 dollars. I restrained myself from buying more because we already have a lot of stuff in the loft. The day I bought the table they gave my roommate and me a tour of the lot. It was just narrow paths cleared out between towers of boxes and bookshelves and chairs all stacked any which way.

The same time as the storage warehouse made it’s purge the 2 men seemed to close up shop.
Since the incident they sit in chairs pulled from the jumble and drink, guarding their cache day and night.

Corner of Adelphi,10:45 pm

descriptive imageThe oddest thing: last night while walking Bozzio I turned the corner onto Adelphi and saw down the block a massive pile o’ crap outside my free furniture connection: a self storage warehouse.
Once in awhile and always at night I have been lucky enough to find a decent table or chair on this exact spot. Last night about 300 people were lucky enough to find box after box of personal belongings up for grabs on the street. The storage facility had made a purge around 5pm. By the time I got there it was desperately slim pickings. All the boxes were empty and the contents spread out on the sidewalk, mostly clothing and bad romance novels and papers. I’m not too proud to dumpster dive but this was too weird even for me. It felt like someone’s attic had exploded onto the sidewalk. It didn’t seem right. Someone (a lot of someones) had cared enough to box up this stuff, drive it to the warehouse and pay to have it stored.
There were still about 10 people rummaging thru the jumble. One guy had his car parked right next to the pile with the trunk popped. He was the one who filled me in,told me some had even found cash.
You cannot pick trash with a dog. He was pulling everywhere, trying to bite the stuffed animals or falling at the feet of all the strangers and rolling onto his back. But even if I had been sans Bozzio I don’t think I would have dived in.