Last night I watched Eastern Promises,starring Viggo Mortenson, Naomi Watts, Vincent Cassel and Sinead Cusak(but she was wasted in this part). It’s a movie about Russian Mafia and even more interestingly,their tattoos. David Cronenburg,the director, has been capable of great things in the past,i.e. the balletic choreography of the diner scene in A History of Violence where Viggo’s character defends himself from gangsters invading his small town. He is using Viggo again and again as a gangster who isn’t what he seems. Wait,that’s not quite right but if I explain it better I will give too much away.
In Eastern Promises(is that a clunky title or what) Viggo also has to fight off some thugs but this time he does it completely naked. For all of you who get steamed up thinking about Mr.Mortenson’s very well preserved almost 50 year old body,these scenes aren’t about beefcake so settle down. Men watching this scene will probably clench up as Viggo flies about nude with his dangly bits exposed in close proximity to knives.
WordPress emergency?
Sounds pretty alarming-there is a new version of WP that fixes a bug that might allow hackers to do something with post drafts and I have eleven of those.If you have WP you saw this the last time you logged in and this isn’t news to you.So why am I writing a post about it? Because I just freaking updated all my client’s sites and most recently my own to v.231. I am too tired to do it now. I don’t really care about my site but I hope nothing happens to my client’s sites.
New year and stuff
Finish what I start.
Be nicer(be more nice?).
See movies in theaters,instead of just on cable.
Take on more projects instead of endlessly tweaking the old ones so that I don’t have time to do new projects…see resolution no.1.
Fix all my old SEO mistakes.
Go to bed earlier.
Eat less red meat(I have a headstart on this one).
Drink more water.
See my friends more often.
See my dad more often.
I guess that is a lot…
But I’ve aimed low so that I can actually do it,except the be nicer one.I am a mean old lady.
Finally upgraded to 2.31
I’d done it for all of my client’s sites weeks ago but neglected my own.Then I had to sort through all my many posts in order to tag them.Tedious but I want to have just a few categories show up in my sidebar and using tags instead of lots of categories makes this easier to do.The problem is that each category(there are a lot) is a searchable link so if I delete them someone might get the 404 message and I don’t want that.
My categories are now sorted into 3 main ones,Tech and Personal and Recipes.I made a Page template with a modified loop so now posts with those categories show up only on the right pages.
In order to make my Tag Cloud look like a cloud and not a list I had to change the code in my sidebar.If your tag cloud looks like a list and not a cloud it is because you have or the theme designer did make everything in your side bar a list.You could simply grab the code for the template tag for tag cloud and paste it into your sidebar.That is what I did.Then I removed the list making html.Right now I am not using the widgets until I have the time to figure it out 100%.But since it is xmas eve I am all set to cook a very large dinner and a cheesecake and I do not have the time to continue messing with the sidebar for now.