
Have you heard of this site?
They exist soley to collect what people are posting/writing about on the internet.
My blog about A.Bourdain included a brief note about Jimmy Fallon and sure enough they linked to that post.Now

on their Jimmy Fallon page my little snippet appears.Interesting.Or not? It’s a random toy this internet.
They have a lot of celeb pages but the site isn’t only for posts about celebrities.It seems to collect and make pages for celebrities and other subjects and it seem it’s done on the fly.I’m fascinated by on the fly.I really love it when a package or app or script does this when I set it in motion.I’m still really new to programming and programming languages so I still view it all as a bit of a magic trick.
Just like when you were little you may have thought the bands playing on the radio were actually in the radio.Aww,cute.

Tempest in a Teapot?

I admit that I knew none of the big bloggers or that there was even such a thing as a big blogger until discovering there has been some fuss & trouble involving well known bloggers,death threats and the comment spew following.But then,I am fairly new to the mainstream Blogosphere.
I used to blog only on my Myspace blog which I began sometime in early 2004.Very few people read that blog just as very few read this one(if any at all)
I didn’t get one of these blog spots until late last year…I also didn’t take the time to read or search a blog unless it offerred tutorials on coding and I tended to ignore personal blogs altogether.
From what I was able to piece together after stumbling upon the mess late last night is there used to be a web site called Mean Kids and they were,well, mean.The world of the blogger seems to be rather insular:all these people know each other.They all reference each other’s blogs or work …it’s very clubby.Posts seem to jump right into the matter at hand with no prefacing so one isn’t likely to get it if one isn’t a regular reader who has been following the story.But from what I could glean it seems Mean Kids went a little far targeting some female bloggers on the sensitive side &the site no longer exists.I would like to have been able to read the objectionable content in it’s original context.
Apparently, the “humor” of the site wasn’t fully appreciated as humor.
I am not familiar with one of the women who took it hard but I do wonder what she did to deserve death threats and photoshopped images of nooses and her head or her face covered with a thong.I guess some more research is in order.

Happy Passover !

Passover dinner was fun.I ate matzoh ball soup and brisket.I’m sorry for the lame post but
after 6 hours of non-stop talking,eating and drinking I’m tapped out.
These folks always have lots to drink on hand,anyway and as you know on Passover you’re supposed to drink 4 glasses of wine.I didn’t quite get there myself because I think it’s polite to stop drinking when the desert is served and that happened way before I got to #4 glass o wine…
I was happy that the gathering was smaller than it was the last time we went to Ed&Barbara’s (our hosts) because I just don’t feel that comfortable and easy in a large group.
Barbara’s brisket gets better every time I eat it.
Even though I am Jewish I never went to any of these Jewish holiday celebration dinners before I met my boyfriend since my ma and pa were into a different religion when I was growing up.And my mother’s people are socialist liberal athiests.In fact ma has converted and I’m not supposed to say to what religion so I’m not going to.She lives in Utah so that’s a big hint :).
She called tonight to wish me a Happy Passover and was very pleased with herself for having attended a seder,herself which is probably not that easy to do in Kanab, Utah.
But she works for Best Friends Animal Sanctuary which attracts out of towners to work in that extremely small town(pop. less than 3,000) one of which was a “very Jewish” girl who invited ma to the seder.
My mom is cute when she gets into a new thing.Trained as an anthropologist, she finds people to be very interesting.