since re designing my site …

Google Analytics reports that my visitor rates have dropped 99.99% since April 21st when I first began working on the new design.

  • Possible reasons:

  • My landing page used to be my blog page, where all the good stuff is. Or at least where all the stuff people came to my site for is.
  • My blog landing page is now called work – which I might change – I’m still working on how to arrange stuff and what to call stuff after moving it.
  • My old site was completely different-looking so maybe they think they’ve come to the wrong site.
  • This might not have been enough of a warning that changes were coming?

In any event I apologize to the folks who didn’t find what they were looking for and left in 00:01:22. Soon things you need will be easier to find.
It might not be awesome to re design a live site but that is a privilege I reserve, just the same.