Please Mind Your Manners

“People often think the tone or emotion in their messages is obvious because they ‘hear’ the tone they intend in their head as they write,” Epley explains.

At the same time, those reading messages unconsciously interpret them based on their current mood, stereotypes and expectations. Despite this, the research subjects thought they accurately interpreted the messages nine out of 10 times.

The reason for this is egocentrism, or the difficulty some people have detaching themselves from their own perspective, says Epley. In other words, people aren’t that good at imagining how a message might be understood from another person’s perspective.
The Secret Cause of Flame Wars,Stephen Leahy,

I was going to post a link to an unpleasantness in the wp-shoppingcart plugin forum but the thread was cleaned up.Which is good even if it erased my awesome answer to the flame up I got for no reason other than the guy is half a crazy pill short of punching old ladies “for looking at me funny”.

But this is the problem with forums isn’t it?

Your Basic Forum Spoilers

The Misanthrope.
This guy has no friends and is an ugly little bastard without a girlfriend.His attitude and responses are such that he could only be single and living in his Grannie’s basement.No workplace,woman or social group would put up with him in real life so he gets his kicks blasting people in an internet forum.

The Guy Who Knows The Answer But Will Not Tell You
He just doesn’t feel like it.But he will post about why he doesn’t feel like it.And he will nitpick your spelling and or grammar.
Might also be a Republican.

The Look At Me Guy
This person, desperate for attention,9 times out of 10 will bait and flame or scold innocent parties.
If he ever does try to answer a question it’s usually just parroted information that is garbled and misspelled.He is a person of low intellect and should be avoided.The problem is he is so ubiquitous that he is hard to avoid.
He is too busy in the forums to vote.

The Parasite
The parasite also knows very little but he has buddied up to someone who seems to know everything.
Similar to the Look At Me Guy he will parrot garbled information or he will chirp “ask the Know It All Guy”. In fact,he wants to be the Know It All Guy but he is too stupid.
Too stupid to vote.

The OmG,Know It All Guy, YOu ArE A GoD Girl
This person means well but they do harm in that that puff up an already swollen head.
Might be a liberal,it’s hard to tell.

The Know It All Guy
A big fish in a small pond or rather the one person who has it all figured out and generously shares his knowledge with others,at first but soon becomes overwhelmed and may de volve into The Guy Who Knows The Answer But Will Not Tell You.Usually there can be only one Know It All Guy per forum but in larger more populated forums there are several and sometimes they fight with each other to the amusement of of silly people.

WP Post Revisions&WP-Ecommerce

wpsc, an abbreviation of wp-shoppingcart, a plugin for WordPress.
Post Revisions Buggy-ness & WP-Shoppingcart plugin
Most people get nervous when it comes to mySQL database tables.So I was glad to find a way to fix this bug without having to use phpmyadmin.

After I upgraded to WP 2.6 and upgraded the wpsc cart plugin to version 3.6.8 I noticed that revision-71 was being inserted into my single product urls. 71 being the id of the edited page.
This bug also happened with WP 2.6 and wp-shoppingcart 3.6.7.It only happened to pages containing wpsc short code:
[shoppingcart ] [productspage ] [tranactionresults ] [userlog ]

I did some forum searching and found this plugin by Jeremy Clark.
Re creating the bug was easy enough to do. All I had to do was deactivate the disable posts revisions plugin and edit a wpsc page. Voila: revision-pageid reappeared in the single product urls all over again.

** Note**
I’m actually using this plugin: Disable Revisions and Autosave
Description: Disable the Revisions and Autosave functions. Original idea and code by Lester Chan and Untwisted Vortex. But Jeremy’s does the same thing. Use either one.

I re activated the plugin and deleted the product listing page. I created a new page, pasting the productspage shortcode into it. Then I checked the Admin in Settings and noticed that not only the product listing page link was messed up-the Verify Your Order link was also messed up, because I had edited that page as well after I deactivated the disable post revisions plugin.

Fixing stuff
Get this plugin
Test for whether or not you can just activate this plugin to get rid of the bug without having to delete the page containing some shortcode.If this fixes the bug you don’t need to delete pages.
If the problem still exists delete the page,copy the short code into the new one and publish it.
Check Admin in Settings in Ecommerce to see if your page urls are correct.
If they contain revision-pageid, correct the url and hit Update Page Urls.
Reload the Admin page in Settings>Ecommerce to make sure the corrected link(s) “stick”.
To make absolutely sure this is fixed go back and edit a page containing wpsc short code (just hit save).Then view the page and see if the single product links work.

One of the Pains in My Ass

Just one.That’s all you can handle,right?

Plugin authors have had a pain in their collective asses,too because they have to remember to do this: wp_enqueue_script(‘jquery’); when using jquery in their plugins if it’s going to be used in the site admin section (the dashboard) because a lot of jquery is used there. But not all of the plugins I was using at the time of this writing did this. Following one plugin author’s instructions I tried to edit a plugin file but got a syntax error. So I said fooey and just edited it to use the jquery version in /wp-includes/js/jquery.

Now I can use Custom Fonts and upload images. Awesome.

I am an SEO Master!

SEO Master – 87%

Are you an SEO Expert?

I took this quiz and even though I only got a B+ and I have a lot to learn I think I am well on the way to being effective when it comes to helping my clients make more money with their websites.

I wrote recently on how I redesigned the web site for Lee Lee’s Valise which was already a much searched for and well trafficked though young website.This was my first and only experience redesigning a website that had sitelinks otherwise known as “breakout” site results in Google.I was worried that the action of recreating the existing pages in a WordPress as a CMS environment would wreck the sitelinks. Actually though, because of the ability to redirect old pages using .htaccess and those old page’s popularity, I needn’t have worried.

It took a few weeks and the help of 2 very important plugins for WordPress:the All in one SEO Pack and the Google XML Sitemap Generator to transfer the powerful juice of the old .htm URLs to the dynamically generated WordPress page URLs.Now the redirected URLs no longer get sitelinks generated by Google but the new WP URLs and more importantly the one for the new online store,do. And instead of just 3 sitelinks, Google now gives us 5!