Back from Israel

We’re back safe and sound.

Our trip went really well even though the dollar had fallen a few points or cents or whatever against the shekel since we’d been last year…but according to my bank statement I only spent about 800 hundred bucks(and a 3rd of that was in airports). So we were still able to live it up in the holy land. We went to Jerusalem where I saw the Old City and the Wailing Wall, Israelis call it the Western Wall and religious types walk away from it backward after they’ve prayed and left a letter.

In Jerusalem we also saw Jesus’s Tomb and Adam and our guide Ofer got a sudden fit of the giggles inside the tiny space. I’m not religious and was only interested in it in a historical way but it was still a little embarrassing. Everyone else was taking it so seriously and they were weirded out by it I guess.
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Like an Idiot

I decided to follow a tutorial on how pull my WordPress blog posts into my static home page just hours before I have to get on a plane. I messed up. But an hour later I had it all sorted out again except for the way a WP Query that pulls the latest post into a div at the top of the page was interacting with my other header. I didn’t have time to figure it out and now my fancy php navigation doesn’t show the current page item css. I love how any time you do one thing you end up having to do a bunch of other things to fix the thing you did.

Going to Israel

My boyfriend and I are going to Israel on Monday. He’s from there, by the way,so we will be staying with his parents at Kibbutz Shamir. The last time we went was a week after the war last summer. We had a wedding we had to go to so we ignored the Katushas and the cries of woe from my family and booked our flight. I’d never been anywhere overseas except England and Ireland and not since the freakin 80’s!
Continue reading Going to Israel