Static Frontpage as Home Page in WP

You all must be familiar by now that in WP versions 2.1 and newer we are able to set a static WordPress Page as the Frontpage if we choose to in dashboard>options>reading.
This has been invaluable for WordPress as a CMS users. And I’ve used it practically each time I set up a new installation.Sometimes the sites I set up don’t use anything but static pages.
Anyway, I came across some odd behavior when choosing a static page called home to be the frontpage. Firefox respected the setting of the page titled home to be the page to display when landing on the site. IE didn’t, showing instead the blog page(index.php). It didn’t seem to matter what I did, IE kept right on being strange.
The way I fixed it was to move all the WordPress files except index.php to another directory.Exactly as the WP Codex says to do if you don’t want all the WP files in your root.
I don’t know why this made IE behave. It just did.

Any other people using WP the same way and who might have seen this odd behavior in IE I would love to hear about it.

My OCD eats 2 hours of my day

I have obessive compulsive behavioral problems.I don’t wash my hands a lot or count or pick my face(anymore) or tap objects in a ritualistic manner so that the demons watching my every move don’t kill my boyfriend,parents,dog or best friend. My disorder is usually very mild… until I lose something.I think it stems from my childhood because we moved so often and I often lost valued personal possesions during these moves because being so young I didn’t keep track of my stuff or pack that well.
Anyway,therapy session over.Thank the Lord.

Because Yahoo owns and and uses my Yahoo email sign in information to control all 3 accounts, I was locked out of all 3 when I lost my Yahoo password.
Apparently during an enlightened moment I had taken the time to change my username/id from my full name to my nickname and then promptly forgot I’d done so.

And because my Yahoo email for years contained my full name rather than a nickname the old username/id was the one that stuck in my brain.

All my attempts to recover my password were unsuccessful until I remembered the new id,
thanks to the fact that I’d installed Flickr Uploadr, which had me signed in with my correct up to date Yahoo id.
Here’s a funny thing: I was locked out of my online Flickr account but I was still able to upload a new picture to it with Flickr Uploadr (with Web 2.0 you must not use e’s).

Neither my Yahoo email nor those other 2 accounts are all that important to me but the fact that I couldn’t get in really bothered me and wouldn’t let me rest until I could.
All because I was trying to find a picture of the Paris Métro train station sign.Jeez.

Oh,yeah: write your id’s and passwords down somewhere. I know we aren’t supposed to do this but even if you think you can remember it you may blank out like I did and waste 2 hours of your day on top of the 2 hours I was going to waste on Flickr!

Fame and Fortune…maybe.

Looks like my one big client might be on the Tyra Banks show.Might be because we all know how these things can seem definite one minute and then you’re bumped off the line-up the next.
Because this is a fetish site and I’m a tad prudish I haven’t included the site in my portfolio.
But if that many people may see the site because they heard about it on the Tyra Banks show you can bet I’m going to add my credit link.
The other reason I never provided my link is that I came on board as the new webmaster to an already designed website.the new pages I made were my design and standards compliant but the old pages were not.I would have to go through about 300+ pages and remake them all in my own theme and templatize them in a sane,organized way.The site uses CuteNews if you can believe that–an outdated but functional CMS.It’s not a very good option because it adds an obtrusive cutenews credit link to every entry of news.I’m just now beginning the transition from CutePHP to WordPress.The other reason is that the bulk of the site is a member’s site and not that many people get to see it unless they want to pay to join up.
So I’m glad that I took the initiative to remake all the tours in my own design.
I’m also glad that I took the initiative to open a Youtube account for my client because it might have been how the Tyra producers even got wind of my client.And I’m even more glad that the site has 0 percent topless and 0 percent bottomless nudity.
Again proving to myself that any website can be run with wordpress I am manually transferring all of the site content to wordpress posts.
Thanks to 2 very handy WPplugins the process has been finetuned to tedious data entry.There was tool to import from cutenews to wp but it erased everything and didn’t grab categories or anything besides text,titles and dates skipping links and images.I might have been inclined to go through each imported posts and put in the right urls,etc.But I wasn’t so inclined.Why make more work for myself than I have to?

Here are the plugins:

I used Ryan’s plugin to make sure that each category had it’s own single post view that included the category page template and sidebar specific to that category,etc.