WordPress As A CMS: Getting Started

In This Post: The Dashboard De-mystified. Posts or Pages? Categories &Category Relationships. Changing the Look of the Default Sidebar. The Plugins I Like.

Maybe you’ve already chosen WordPress or are seriously considering it. Maybe you’ve even already done the famous 5 minute WordPress installation. Maybe you’ve already chosen one of the free themes or enlisted some paid help getting one made just for you? Whatever the case, you should be very pleased with yourself to have gotten this far and I’ll bet you’re super jazzed to have your own website that uses your own domain name.

Trouble is, now what? How to make sense of the Dashboard? What does what? What do all these crazy terms mean? You’re scared to touch anything! Some settings are self explanatory but the only way to get comfortable is to jump in and start looking and reading. It’s like a new house with lots of rooms and who can stand not knowing what all the rooms look like? If you don’t think its a good idea to change a setting, don’t. But don’t be afraid to at least log in and look at the pages – because just looking does no harm.

Dashboard Settings

General – where your site title and description goes.
Writing -where you pick the default post category.
Reading – controls what the first page of your site shows which, by default, are your posts. You can make a page called Home and pick that to be the first page. Go to Pages >> Add New and create it there. But then you should also choose another page to show the blog posts. So make another page and choose that to be your posts page. You can be very creative with the title: Jeffery Zeldman titles his “The Daily Report” and I think that is pretty cool.Because there is so much one can do with Templates this section really deserves a complete post. But to keep things going I’ve kept it short.
Discussion controls your comments.
Media – choose image sizes
Privacy – choose whether or not search engines can index your site.
Permalinks – choose the way your linkage is set up.
Miscellaneous – pick where your images get uploaded- default is uploads. Also by default they are separated into year and month folders.

And just because I care here are some screenshots to illustrate each page.

Default Blues
All first time WordPress installations have one category, one page, one post and one comment. I can’t tell you how many About Me pages I’ve seen explaining what a Page in WordPress is and how many posts I’ve seen in Uncategorized, too for that matter. You’re expected to rename, edit or delete that stuff. You can’t delete the Uncategorized category (because WordPress needs at least one category) but you can rename Uncategorized to something more personalized like Random or General…The main point is the more you change stuff the more you make it your own. Don’t leave something as is if it is going to be visible on your site. Tip: In your User Profile page, you can type in the name you want to appear in the greeting in the dashboard or next to your posts and then click save. Then you can choose this name from the drop down list box and this will be the author name (and might appear next to your posts if your template allows this). Isn’t Posted by (your name) better than “Posted by admin”?

Default sidebars tend to show everything from a pages menu to a calendar, this is because there aren’t any widgets being used yet. Once you add widgets – only the content displayed by those widgets will show in your sidebars.

The Empty Website Blues 🙁
At this stage you don’t need to worry too much about how your sidebar will look and which widgets to use. You have bigger fish to fry! The biggest problem for nascent websites is the lack of content. The most important thing to focus on right now at this stage of your site is adding some.

Should You Use Pages or Posts?
WordPress as a CMS is more powerful when it is used as it was meant to be used which is the displaying of posts assigned to categories. Pages should be used for About Me, Contact and Photo Galleries or whatever- as long as that content is going to remain the same for an extended amount of time. If you really really don’t need Posts and even though that will leave your site pretty limited go ahead and use only Pages. Its your website! WordPress can make a new Page as easily as it can add a new Post,that’s why it is such a great CMS.

What Do Categories Do?
Categories organize your posts. Categories make it possible to keep post content separate from other post content.
Example: If you write about Celebrities you could make a child category of Celebrities called Angelina Jolie. Whenever you add a new post about ms.thing you would choose the Angelina Jolie category. Then you could have a list in your sidebar of your posts about Celebrities with a nested list of posts about Angelina Jolie. You could make as many of these “Celebrities” child categories as there are celebrities!
If your posts will only pictures of Celebrities then make a child category of Celebrities called photos with a grandchild category called Angelina Jolie. In my mind that is a very practical use of the grandchild category. More about that later on in this post.

Categories Run Everything!
Many people misunderstand categories. They either don’t use them at all or they make up a new category each time they write a new post.

The folks that add a new category for each new post could eventually have a totally bloated amount of categories, each with just one post assigned to it. This defeats the purpose and makes it just as hard to find interesting content as if there were no categories at all. Try instead to use a few Parent categories and then use as many Tags as you want.

On the other end of the spectrum are the people who don’t use or create any new categories,ever so all their posts go into Uncategorized.

Before you get started think about whether the desire for a certain kind of category widget is behind your motivation for creating categories. Ideally, the organization of content should not be determined by a stylistic preference but rather because it is a vital step towards helping people find what they are looking for.

The Parent, Child and Grandchild Category Relationship
If you want to set up parent, child and grandchild relationships for your categories, first you need to know what the main focus of your site is going to be. If the focus is going to be on Kitchen Supplies, here is one way to begin cataloging that vast area. Although I do think this kind of micro managing of categories better suits product pages, not post pages.

Parent Category: Cutlery

Child : Fork
Grandchild : Salad Forks
Child : Seafood Forks
Grandchild : Shrimp Forks
Grandchild : Crab Forks

Child : Spoon
Grandchild: Dessert Spoons
Grandchild : Soup Spoons

Child : Knife
Grandchild : Steak Knives
Grandchild : Butter Knives

I could be wrong but I have managed quite a few WordPress as a CMS type websites for over 3 years and not one of my clients (so far) ever really needed a grandchild category relationship.

There are plugins for practically everything. When choosing plugins, keep in mind you are inviting code into your WordPress site that might conflict with other plugins, might not use code that produces 100% valid XHTML, might make you fall in love with it only to be dropped by the plugin creator next month. And might just not work! But here are some I swear by.
All In One SEO (by default WP is pretty SEO challenged)
XML-Sitemaps (then you can submit a sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools)
Flexi Pages (build your own sidebar page menu that shows only pages you want)
WP Database Backup (if disaster strikes- this is plugin is going to save your hide)
Tiny Contact Form (little contact form)
Cforms (build any kind of form you can think of)
WP-Ecommerce (online shop plugin, robust and highly supported with frequent upgrades and an active user forum, vital!)
NextGen (excellent photo gallery and album manager)

If it is a business site keep the personal topic posts to a minimum, less than 5%. Set up a category called Personal so it will be obvious what that section is about.
Be careful with what you reveal, even sites meant to be 100% personal don’t need to get too personal.

I Charge For My Time,Design Work & Support (Not For WordPress)

Long before I understood GPL & before WordPress decided to yank over 200 non GPL-compatible themes from its Theme Viewer, I struggled with the seeming hypocrisy of charging $ for a theme when what you were really selling was WordPress, itself. Lets get real. Nothing I design to be used with WordPress could be more than static html pages without WordPress. Without WordPress I would have to write my own CMS and database queries and PHP code which I don’t know how to do. Without WordPress it might take me up to 6 months to make a dynamic website. Even then I would have to practically live at PHP Classes and SourceForge. It would be slow and painful. Why? Because I am not a programmer. I am a designer. And I know very well how the 2 things are not the same thing. Lets just say I have been down that road and the results as well as the experience were not that nice.

If I wanted to I could act as if I was the one making the client’s website so awesome. I never did act this way. I steered clear of any ethical monkey business, I felt, by making it very clear to my clients they were paying me for design and the limitless, call me on my personal cell phone Sunday night at 12 midnight kind of support I provide not for the CMS powering their websites.

A woman contacted me asking for a custom theme for her already set up WordPress powered site/blog. She had been given a comprehensive list of instructions and actions to follow on how to get a WP site up and running and she had followed them successfully. What she was stuck on was how to get a better theme. She’d seen the free themes available and she know she could install them directly to her server just by downloading them from the built in theme viewer and clicking activate. What she didn’t have was a theme designed just for her using her logo, her font-choices & colors and her desire to have a fully fluid width website. And when it came to knowing about plugins, well lets just say her list had not included anything about plugins.

When she paid me she paid me for what I know about WordPress and my design made expressly for her website.
The end results made her very happy. She not only got a website that doesn’t look like “just another WordPress blog” she got a website that doesn’t look that much like other websites. And if I have learned anything doing this job people want a unique looking website. Because she had already installed WordPress she know she was not paying me for WordPress! She knew what was available on the WordPress Theme Viewer and she knew that what she ended up with was not available on the WordPress Theme Viewer!

Well, actually I could sell my themes. I could pack them into a zip file and sell them using PayPal. There is nothing stopping me from doing this. Because not a single theme of mine is in the WordPress Theme Viewer and my business does not depend on luring people to my other “Premium” (Paid) themes using a free theme as bait.

When I get a new customer we work together on developing the feel of the design which I then create.I train them how to use the site. I also perform upgrades and updates and maintenance. If they have the willingness to learn how to use WordPress I don’t have to do updates for them at all. Depending on how complicated the theme is to use (I strive to keep it simple) most times everything just depends on using the right category to publish posts.


  • A Unique Design
  • Support
  • Maintenance
  • A unique design speaks for itself.
  • Support can mean anything from design refreshing to SEO to fixing a page for them when they don’t close a list tag.
  • Maintenance can mean anything from setting up a cron job to stop their Apple Mail.app from flooding the Process Manager with never ending IMAP processes thereby taking down their website every hour on the hour (true story) to transferring their database and files to a new host.
  • I code by hand, no templates pre packaged and re sold here. Consequently nothing I code was churned out by Dream Weaver.

I hate working on IIS.
I will NAG you to Update your Website!

Design Fail

I might be many things but I am not a mind reader. But for the last week I have been attempting to do just that for one person who contacted me through my website about help with their online shop. At first I thought it was going to be a matter of offering a little advice via email. When their next email suggested the prospect of a redesign, a mock up was requested which I designed and installed on my demo site and sent a link. The demo was actually a test drive of a fully functioning website wearing the mocked up theme. It makes sense to me that a person will better be able to tell me what’s right or what’s wrong with it this way. Unfortunately in this case it did not happen. The email I got in reply mentioned nothing specific about my design and said nothing about what they preferred instead. Further exchanges were consistently unenlightening. Beyond 3 links to other cookie cutter fashion blogs and a color scheme limited to 4 colors they never let me in on the secret. Eventually I got the message that what they wanted was exactly what they already had. And the project went fizzle.

Although unpaid this week long endeavor was not unproductive for me. Not only did it get me started on a WordPress theme specifically for use in conjunction with the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin and a new banner for my own site it also got me thinking on how I might best avoid getting into another situation like this one. I’ve also got to post a price list that might encourage the people who like getting things for free to resist contacting me better weed out the time wasters.