Color-Cart Theme Series, Designed For WP & WP-E-Commerce

I have been working like crazy all weekend to release these two themes, originally intending to make them public last night. I was almost done but I forgot to check and see what the sidebars looked like when I turned off all widgets. It wasn’t that bad but it wasn’t ideal. There are other fine tunings that have to be done so that people don’t gag when they use the themes on a brand new install of WP (sidebars should look good even without widgets being used and etc). I could tweak these themes forever-but I hope to be able to have them ready but later on tonight-tomorrow morning.

Anyway there are 2 themes so far: Color-Cart Green and Color-Cart Black(just a preview using Theme Preview-if you click any link it will go back to Color-Cart Green). They’re sort of similar. Color-Cart Black is going to cost about $10.00 but Green is free. I will provide support of course.

Adventures In Not Getting Hired!

Recently I applied online for a job. I don’t know why I did, I already have far too much work to do…But as a freelancer you do sort of long for steady work… feast or famine is very much part of a freelancer’s life. Ok so this job was right up my alley: working with WordPress. I can do that. What I couldn’t seem to do is fill out the application from correctly. I don’t know what I did wrong. I wasn’t informed of what I did wrong. I was told that because I didn’t fill out the form correctly that I was not a real professional.
That made me a little steamed but also profoundly grateful:what if I had gotten hired? I think it would have been hellish to work for this person as this colorful email exchange will no doubt illustrate.I’m aware you aren’t supposed to respond to rejection letters. But sometimes you just have to.
Warning: silliness follows below.

1st Email Received From Prospective Employer:

Thank you for responding to one of our positions.
Please read this entire job application [url removed to preserve what little dignity I have left]
When you are done, you can let us know by responding back to this e-mail.
Please don’t use the contact form or toll free number on our site, that is only for our customers.
Thank you for responding to one our hiring ads, & have a great day,
[company name removed]

My Response:
Ok, I submitted the online form.
Hope to hear from you soon and have a great day!
-Sion McCormick

2cnd Email Received (No Longer Prospective Employer – Downgraded to Officious Person)

Hi Sion,
Thank you for applying to our position.
Unfortunately you didn’t follow all of the directions in the hiring ad, so we can’t consider you for our company.
We wish you all the best

My Response:
I suppose you feel your reasons for being this strict are justified but you have lost the opportunity to work with a dedicated,highly skilled,loyal and extremely hardworking individual.

3rd Response (Michelle Big Boss Lady!)

Strict? LOL, no, this is called screening. We are a real company & we only hire real ICs.
And the fact that you feel you shouldn’t be screened tells us you aren’t really a professional, but we already knew that b/c if you had been, you would have actually read over the hiring ad & did as instructed like any A+ worker would have.
Also very insecure too since you had to try & show off to us that you are better then you are.
No need to respond back. This conversation is over.
Thank you

My Response:
No, I am that good.
I never thought I shouldn’t be screened, how else are you going to find people who fit your profile? I just think your screening process is designed to provide you with the satisfaction of cutting someone off at the knees rather than actually finding someone skilled enough for the job.

4th Response From Michelle (She Who Must Be Obeyed)

Of course you would think that, that’s why you are NOT the boss & I am.
I’m going to ask you for the last time not to respond back.
All you are doing is arguing & blaming us for your mistakes instead of taking responsibility for your actions.
That is typical behavior of a low level worker.

And my Final Response (Unless We Have A Fight To The Death for the Last Word!)
Oh Michelle, why so hostile?
Why are you insulting me? Because I dared to write back when you said the conversation was over?
Isn’t the conversation over when I say it is? Or are you such a big boss that you are the boss of people you haven’t even hired?
L-O-L to you.

A WordPress Theme Built Especially For The WP-Ecommerce Plugin!

Update! I’m finally done, Whew!

Here is Color-Cart Green ( I know, I couldn’t think of a good name.All my brain cells went toward making the thing).
[download id=”4″]
Also, there is Color-Cart Black but it costs 10 whole dollars! Please take the test drive and hopefully you will like it enough to buy it. If this new venture goes well I plan to release more free themes. In fact I think I will release one free theme for every paid one. That’s a tentative promise!

Hi Everybody. For the last few days I have been working on a new theme for WordPress specifically a theme centered around using the WP ECommerce plugin. Right now there is only one other free Premium quality WP theme I know of that is centered around the shopping cart plugin .

I’m not competing with King Cart’s design, which is super cute especially that smiling apple in the little banner. Perhaps the trend of the mega banner has run its course? It makes sense to reduce the size of the banner:it frees up valuable real estate on the site above the fold. The navigation menu is positioned extremely well so that the hover dropdown lists don’t fall down over the page content- a tendency of crowded web sites and kind of why I don’t like to use them. The graphics are first class and my overall impression of the layout is one of clear, clean, well thought out presentation. In short, it is awesome. And free! I want to join in one the effort to create and release for free, well crafted WordPress themes meant to be used along with the WordPress E Commerce plugin.

The project has stalled somewhat because I was flooded with work. I’m not complaining. But I hope to get it packaged and set for free download very soon. The drawbacks of releasing a one size fits all WordPress theme are the inevitable support requests and how to field them all without draining my most valuable resource: my time. Also one wants to take care not to overly design the theme to make it simpler for people to customize it. It is very hard to create a simple theme! It is even harder to design for 2 sexes. I may just end up releasing 2 versions:one theme that is a bit more feminine and a masculine leaning theme. You know: blue is for boys and pink is for girls. Though I don’t think I will be that literal about the color choices.

So stay tuned, people. It’s coming soon.

How To Add Introductory Paragraph Text To The Front Page Of The WP-Ecommerce Shop

And have it show only on the front page of the shop?

A client of mine asked if I could add an introductory/greeting kind of message to show to people looking at the front page of his online store. Sure thing, I said and I put it right in and went on my way thinking that was that. Later I realised that this blurb showed up everywhere on the shop. This is because the page with [ productspage ] in it is the same page for all the product pages. All full product lists and single product views get displayed with one little shortcode.

You also can’t put the paragraphs into the page template file for this page, or put it in a new file in the theme folder and include it in the page template because (again) that page runs the whole show. Back to square one. You could delve into the functions and make an “if on this page do this” statement (and for all you folks who can pull PHP out of their noses,congratulations) but I have always been more of a shove code around kind of person. So what I did was I found the line (line number 44) in the grid_display_functions.php file that displays the div that wraps the cart pages.

So after

[php]$output .= "<div class=’productdisplay $category_nice_name’>\n\r";[/php]

I added

[php]$output .="<div class=’blurbs’>my intro text</div>";[/php]

If you don’t have grid view you can still add an introductory blurb or welcome text or whatever to product_display_functions.php which is the file in charge of displaying the product list. Find line 333 (or find the first line in the file that writes the wrapper div for the shop pages) which is

[php]$output .= "<div class=’productdisplay default_product_display product_view_{$product[‘id’]} {$category_nice_name}’>";
//After line @ #333 add
$output .="<div class=’blurbs’>my intro text</div>";[/php]

Avoiding fatal error messages
Don’t use full quotes ” “ Normally you’d write

[html]<div class="code">[/html]

but you can’t because PHP is strict about that. Use single quotes instead

[html]<div class=’code’>[/html]

and escape your HTML Characters to be on the safe side. Example: an apostrophe is


So write


instead of don’t.

What About Upgrading?
Because you are adding to the file and not directly editing any code it will be easy to simply add it back in after the next upgrade. I keep a folder full of my changed plugin files so I can refer to them, grab the code and add it back, fast.

Google results: Results 1 – 10 of about 244,000,000 for welcome to my store.
Apart from the benefit of being able to introduce people to your products is it adds SEO to your shop page. Search engines love text with tasty keywords – so will you when you see your shop page climbing higher in the SERPs. Use well placed keywords in natural sentences that best describe your products or the overall message behind your products.So take care with the intro paragraph(s), don’t just say Welcome to my store that’s not only boring – it’s not going to help you in the SERPs. Most people are not searching for things to buy online or locally with the search terms welcome to my store.

shortcode = code in square brackets that can be inserted into a WordPress Page that includes a plugin in that page.
SEO = search engine optimization, sort of self explanatory.
SERPs = search engine result page(s).Also self explanatory.