Some New Changes

Hopefully soon All of my various pages will be under one roof and hosted by one host.
I have had to leave my “temp” host.I was asked to do so after asking him to set up a friend with a paid account.He said he didn’t want any more clients and that I should pack up my files and find hosting elsewhere,too.

Luckily for me he did have the name of a very good host and I went and signed up with them.That was the easy part.I have a dud site located on the angelfire network.I don’t really care about this site
at all.

I just want the domain name I registered with them.I’ve always taken any bad press with a grain of salt but a little googling did turn up some other folks who’d had a problem transferring their domains from lycos(angelfire is lycos). I am officially registered with Melbourne IT but they aren’t much help,either.I filled out a form is all I know.

I have to change the nameservers to my new hosts’.Bleh.So techy.
Then when that is all done I have to redirect everyone from those other sites to my one site.Bleh again as I am not sharp on the webmaster side of things.And this was what my former host meant when he said it would be a good learning experience for me.
I admit I was lazy before when I had the chance to learn about all this when my old host set me up.I was supposed to point my old angelfire address to the address he made for me but I didn’t.
I may end up having to reregister with Pow Web but they charge 15 dollars and I still have about 5 months left on my old domain…I think.