I hate you (MTA bus drivers)

All MTA busdrivers need to stop it. I don’t know where they get off being a hell mixture of officious,nasty,ugly,obese,stentorian,mean,

ugly,blind,greedy, and short.

Alright, I was steamed. Not all MTA drivers are ugly, obese, evil and short.

All I know is I rely on them to get around.And so I have to put up with their nonsense to get to where I want to go.Bus drivers should be seen and not heard.
Not only are they mostly incoherent with passenger hatred they like to pick and choose who they pick up…if they feel like stopping at all.Which they sometimes don’t.

I’ve witnessed a handicapped man get turned down for the strapping in of the wheelchair passenger ritual because the driver “didn’t like the man”.

Ok, so this particular unfortunate panhandles downtown then takes the bus back home. So what? He had a Metro card! Whenever I’ve been caught with the wrong purse(the one with the card at home) the driver has let me take my sweet time finding change and 7 out of 10 times they say forget it.
I don’t think this is kindliness on their part. I think it was just them not wanting me lurching up and down the aisles,probably worried I’d sue them if I fell down.

Last night I had to take the cart and the bus to Fairway in Redhook.
All went well on the way there.
On the way back one bus passed me even though I was standing under a streetlight waving my arms. He looked at me and kept going,stopping down the block for other, better people (I guess).
Then when the next bus came by,the driver said I couldn’t get on the bus with an open package.
Confused, I looked into my cart to see if the packages were open but since it was groceries in bags I soon realized she meant open cart.
The correct noun had failed her. She woofed something about how I could get on if I stood in the back, in the way of the back exit.
So when everyone got off I had to somehow get out of their way. Not easy on a moving bus with a cart.
I’ve been going to Fairway with my old lady cart for awhile now.
This is the 1st time I was ever told I couldn’t come on the bus with an open package(cart).
So what am I supposed to do Ms. driver of bus?
Take a cab home? Isn’t it apparent to you that I am unwealthy
what with my big old cart of food waiting for a bus when all the other patrons of Fairway drive away with their booty in their SUV’s?
At least I got to ride for free because once again I had 3 Metro cards, all empty.