My new favorite web site

A brilliant I am into this.At 1st I thought it was going to be some gross poo fetish blog (so of course I had to see)but it is actually a woman rating the lavvys she has had the pleasure (or misfortune) of using. As a person who will pee anywhere if she is absolutely bursting,I have seen some gross bogs.
The absolute worst bathrooms in the world have got to be in any East Village dive bar circa 1992.These were places that if you could stomach sitting down,you held up your pants cuffs so they wouldn’t dip into the muck 2 inches deep on the floor.If only to save the pants from infecting your friends with a rare strain of ebola when you got back to your table…

I have only briefly viewed the blog but I absorbed the facts. She is for real and she is outing nastiness in eating establishments. Franchisees,Resturanteurs be warned.Your filthy ways are being noted. At least in the Washington DC area from which lavatory lady seems to hail.