Moving day

Yesterday I gathered my courage and also mananged to supress my usually procrastinative nature and I signed up with a new web hosting CO.
I couldn’t get over how cheap it was:70 a year.&75 databases &a whole bunch of one-click installations.Joomla,Mambo,Wordpress & etc.I love having the option to install these big name products even if their innards kind of scare me.I fiddled briefly with Mambo and just backed away from it. I didn’t have to “get” it so I didn’t do much more than peek at the files.I did not find it brimming with userintuitive interface at all.
After I loaded all my files to the new host,
I had to enable CGI for my scripts to work but apart from that and changing paths to files it was really easy to transfer to Pow Web.I cheated and called customer support who walked me through the whole thing and even took the time to explain how to point a domain to another registrar or whatever it’s called.

I got a bit of a buzzkill when I first pasted in my new URL and got an error message…
I though crap! Now what? But I went to the forums and found out that it was just a matter of clicking enable CGI and waiting 6 hours for everything to update.Now my site looks just like it did. Which is total crap! I suck! Just kidding.I only say this because this past 2 weeks have been CSS bootcamp for me.
I have gotten a lot better at making stuff look the way I want it to.
A big source of inspiration was the website for the creator of SmoothGallery.
Naturally he’d have a kickass page.