Disappearing Web Designers

Most of us chug along trying to make websites that cover the bases:
Accessible,Functional,Interactive,Good Looking,Standards Compliant.

But some of us act like shifty car salesmen and give the rest of us a bad rep. Uncool. I was just in my favorite neighborhood wine store discussing plans(and buying a nice red) to build the store’s online store. A woman in line was listening and piped in with “what is up with web designers? Why do you all disappear on me?”. The wine merchant/store owner also agreed that that had happened to him,too.

Ok, first of all most expert designers who discuss financial practices online in blogs and how-to sites tell a budding junior designer to get 50% of the total cost of the job upfront.Because,I didn’t say this in the store,the ripping off goes both ways.The client disappears,too. Or has one do all this “spec” work and then drifts off or loses interest in the project.
But if a web designer accepts any money at all they are bound to finish and deliver product.Case closed.There is no excuse for disappearing.And disappearing with money you didn’t earn is robbery.
I feel it is not the client’s job to make sure my rent is paid.I’ve learned my lesson and no longer rely on a check in the mail to live on.Too risky and too awful,in my opinion. I say please try to plan your business model so that you don’t have to get nasty and all collections agency on a client.However this like all other lessons in life is one that has to be learned.Then you never do it again.
Clients to avoid:
Clients who tell you they will trade goods for your services. Because the last time I checked humans can’t eat floor tiles,or whatever it is they want to trade. This is a cash run world.People get paid money nowadays. So give me whatever that 24 boxes of floor tiles is worth. In green money.
Clients to embrace:
Cool clients are just cool people. All of my clients are relaxed and fun.This makes working for them relaxed and fun.They’re also all extremely honorable which just ties into the whole being cool thing.
But I’m sure they’d all turn into ass kicking ninjas if I ever dared accept a dollar from them and then stopped working on their websites.
Be cool yourself.I’m not talking about wearing the right shoes or having the right hairstyle.I’m talking about having a level headed and flexible approach to the project.And always deliver.
People rely on us. Just like they rely on nannies and car mechanics. It’s the responsibility of the designer in question to be reliable and contactable.
Hopefully less and less fly by night web designers will crop up and give the rest of us who try to work and act like normal people a chance to prove that Web Design is a business mostly populated by trustworthy and hard working individuals.

Cat Just Chills

on Yahoo! Video
I got this video by using the FireFox addon DashBlog which is the coolest because not only does it get videos,text,images, whatever for you it also posts it to your blog for you. I posted it as a draft but then went crazy and upgraded to WordPress 2.6 and some how the draft got published. Oh well, I hope you all like kitty videos as much as I do.
And no bad things happened when I upgraded.Yay. Now I can go and upgrade 16 other websites.

PayPal Chaps My Ass, Again

I’m trying to get something done and in order to get it done I need to have access to my PayPal account because I need to buy something that I can only buy using my PayPal account.

But because I tried to buy it PayPal froze my account. I logged into my PP account and saw that I had to go through some further account checking process because I had upgraded to a business account but hadn’t done any actual business with it,yet. So I dutifully tried to confirm my location using their confirm phone number steps.

I had my cell attached to my PP account but apparently all you crooks with cell phones are ripping folks off right and left with your cellphones and PP accounts ( I’m not devious enough to know how, not being in the possession of a crafty criminal mind). Luckily, we have a landline.
I added the landline number and was given a code.When PP called me I was instructed to enter the code into the phone and hang up.
I entered the code, hung up and clicked continue as per the instructions. But somehow it wasn’t accepted. Now the only way to confirm my location is to wait 7-9 business days for a letter from PP containing another confirmation code.

I appreciate that PP wants to protect its customers but Lord Almighty,is there not a better way?
I do not have the luxury of waiting on a letter for 9 business days.The project I am working on has a deadline.

Bad Friday

Today was just one of those days.
I got a mysterious email from a client. All it said was tell sion the bad news. This worried me. I waited for a follow up email but none came. What bad news? Argh!

Last night our beloved neighbours plopped a ton of stuff into the hallway that connects 3 apartments/lofts. Our building is not 100% residential and so our garbage pickup is only once a week. Miss that one day and the rest of us get to walk past a pile o stinky trash for another week each time we go into/out of our chezes. This blows. It blows even more that these sweeties often forget to remove their own trash and the mens of my house have to do it for them. But last night’s mountain was too much.

So I wrote em a note. In classic www.passiveaggressivenotes.com stylee. Of course they wrote on the space left on my note that I was “a coward and not a real human being,otherwise I would have knocked on their door to tell them my thoughts in person”.

They were assuming that I knew who was dumping all the old crap in the hallway.

My note only said “please take this crap down to the curb by Monday night or we will all have to walk by it for another week”.

It must have been the use of the word crap that offended them. In their minds, even their discarded belongings deserve respect.

I hadn’t knocked on their door because when we 1st saw the new mountain in our hallway it was late and not a good time for a neighborly face to face on why they have to be such inconsiderate, lazy assholes jerks all the time.

Every now and then I can’t take the state of the hallway anymore and spend a good 2 hours clearing out all the stuff that everyone shoves out there.This means picking it up and carrying it down a steep flight of stairs and sweeping up all the cigarette butts and litter and dirt that everyone else pretends not to see.

My note was just an attempt to keep the hallway from returning to it’s former shambles.
Once in awhile I dream of not having to make excuses to our guests as to why the hallway looks so awful. D. and I discussed painting it and maybe hanging a picture or two out there. But I don’t want to go through all that trouble if everyone is going to continue using it as a kip.

We are without a proper landlord and amenities like a clean, un-cluttered, non-fire hazard-y hallway aren’t included in the rent.

And then I picked a fight with A.